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There is an unspoken rule in the business world “underpromise and overdeliver”, and it looks like we, in Fresh Princesses inc. (trademark pending), have adopted the exact opposite of that as our main strategy.

We didn’t manage to finish the update in time, yet again

Honestly, every time I’m announcing the release date - both me and Moana believe that we will manage, I can’t say have many sleepless nights we’ve spent finishing it, and yet it is still not quite there.

What I’ve said in my previous post is true, Moana is leaving for a week and I was so firm on releasing it regardless of its state mostly because of her short-term departure.

The thing is, she has no means of working on the game from where she’s headed, and I wouldn’t want to bother her anyways, so here we are.

She did manage to finish most of the things, but both of us forgot that this update is different, and so some small details still need our attention.

For example:

Some outfits previously had one layer for their “back” part (things that player should not see, pieces that connect Kira’s body with the outfit) and one layer for the hand. I’ve drawn and saved them together in v0.4.5 which has resulted in occasional “placeholders” appearing on the screen - this is a tiny thing that completely slipped my mind, and now once I’ve got my hands on the game - I can see it again.

For every outfit there’s 10 versions of Kira’s chest and 3 of her hips, our revised character art for v0.4.6 has it done in an entirely different way, and so this tiny thing turns out to be really time-consuming.

There’s a lot of stuff like that all over the place, this thing is insanely big and still requires some polishing.

I don’t think I will be able to fix all of the bugs on my own without Moana, but I sure can fix everything art-related, including, but not limited to, a Matreshka-bot that we will let you have in v0.4.6 (It will make sense later).

I sincerely apologise for the mess I’ve created with our schedule, but it wasn’t from ill-intentions, I honestly believed we could pull this off until the last minute. Once v0.4.6 drops we will revise our whole way of doing things, and fix our time-prediction issue. The next attempted date of release is simply “this week”.

I’d post another teaser, but I feel like I’ve already spoiled too much, and I’m almost done with this update. “I just need a little more time to work on the areolas” - James Cameron on his avatar sequel.


marty moth

honestly i love the game , the art and the story , they are not easy to make even if you have all the tools and the time to work on them the updates are nice and i know your working your best to get us the game as you want it to be . and yes i cant wait to play more of it but relax do your best and we will get the game when your ready .


Собственно, как оно часто и бывает. По наблюдениям за разработчиками-любителям кажется, что сроки стоит вообще указывать в диапазоне "плюс-минус месяц". Не сакраментальное КТТС, но и не постоянные откладывания, действующие на нервы как игрокам (которым это в большинстве случаев почти ничего не стоит), так и разработчикам. И коли появилось время до возвращения Моаны, может отдохнешь хоть чуть?


Never heard of Hofstadter's Law? „It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.“ One of the first things I learned at my computer science classes at the university.

Jacob Larson

No worries here mate just keep on trucking and release when you feel its ready!


This is going to be somewhat of a controversial opinion, but at some point, you need to just cut your losses and release the thing. This update has been delayed for about 2-3 weeks now and even though we all support you wholeheartedly, you have to remember that we are paying you each month for consistent updates. People's patience only runs so far when our money is on the line. That said, I'm perfectly fine for you to take as long as you want on this update as long as it's a good update, but I sincerely hope that you can go back to a regular update schedule afterwards.

Karl Z

I totally agree with gregory123. If you are trying to achieve a "perfect" release, you are never going to make it. In business world we just always release our products as is on deadline, and breaking promise on release date is only done when we have absolutely no other options (like for example the product is not usable at all). Offering a product that has a series of flaws earns you much less discontent than breaking your business promise.


So here's the thing - looking at the complete and utter clusterfuck that Subverse is (check their Kickstarter, EA was cancelled, people go mad and StudioFow is like "FU, we know what we are doing, shut up, you won't get anythign"), this is fine. You might have delayed a few times, sure, not great, but okay. At least you show empathy and udnersatnd that people might be upset. You throw in a few spoilers and honestly, to me, all good. Just ship something faptastic when you are ready :)


We will return to normal, this update is exceptional since it is basically what we were doing for the last half of the year. I've extremely underestimated the amount of time it took us, but it will be over soon.


Пару дней отдохну как его доделаю, мы уже на финишной прямой, спасибо)


hey as long as it comes out and i like it and you try idc when it comes out


wondering if any good news could be told ...?


https://assets.rebelcircus.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/dfgdg.jpg My balls after all this waiting :(


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