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Greetings, I am extremely disappointed in myself, because once again we’ve failed to deliver an update.

Instead of focusing on the replacement of older events and the release itself, I got distracted and did an entirely new one instead. I’ve convinced myself that I will manage to replace remaining pictures over this weekend and everything will be fine, but I’ve once again failed to do so.

Honestly, I just don’t know where time goes, we’re literally working from dusk till dawn, and still we fail to meet our deadlines.

This new quest is quite big, 120+ pages of script (the size of the whole prison quest), and it previously had three blowjob scenes in a row (depends on your choices), while testing it out I thought that it’s a bit lazy, three scenes with a similar text and the exact same art, so I’ve scratched this idea, rewritten the last scene and drawn new art for it.

All three scenes take place at the gloryhole, one BJ scene exclusive to dumb Kiras, one BJ scene for both, and now we have another sex scene for both of them. Of course there is also a new hypnosis scene at the New You, and two branching choices - that’s pretty much all the new content in the next update.

The release date serves as an axe over our heads, the closer we get to it, the more we manage to do. Yes, it’s not healthy and no one ends up being happy about it, but the game itself gets developed faster. If everyone was fine with us always being late, I’d continue this practice of unrealistic deadlines, but I don’t think it’s worth it.

With that in mind, I believe it’s time for us to take some actions in order to fix this endless delay issue, and here are some steps that I think should help us:

-While we still mess around with our core systems (character art from the back, art for gropings, new code for older events, etc.) - the release schedule will become every 1.5 - 2 month, since this is how long it took us to make the upcoming release.

-I will warn you about the release date one week prior, once we’ll see that it’s almost ready. And if I’ll have another last minute idea, like it happened with this quest, I’ll warn you sooner than “on the day of the supposed release”, which is less than ideal.

On the near future plans, We are really tired of working on older content and our seemingly endless systems, it feels like we’re trying to sit on two chairs at once, so we will take a one month break from them, and all of our time will be spent on the creation of new Farm content.

The next update is pushed one week, due to a last minute addition of new content, and some personal issues that I don’t want to use as an excuse, I hope you can understand.

Thank you for your support and patience, I am sad and disappointed about this yet another delay, and I hope that in the future we will manage to stick to the schedule and I won’t mislead you with the release dates.



Eh progress is progress keep it up <3

Longin Yann

Hope not again a delay after this one. Too much delay to much promise :(


Its cool man shit happen but we would like a notice on discord or patreon if you can't make it. This time we were expecting on Friday but it got delayed it's no problem but i was expecting a notice at least. Anyway its not a rant just give us a notice thats all. Keep up the good work and thank you


No worries, FM. I still love ya. Besides, it'll be worth the wait


No biggie boss, I'll still be here, awaiting the next update with bated breath.


"Yes, You Can!" I believe in You. Just keep us informed on what You are working and and an estimated time of arrival for updates and all will be fine. (oh ... and don't promise things that you can't hold - this makes it bad for You and everyone else ...) but just my 2 cents....


I have faith in you. Fight on.