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 Greetings! Here’s what we’ve been doing. 

Moana fixes bugs and tests the game with hypothetical events that might happen, “worst/best” scenario for Kira (depends on the perspective) and it’s combinations, regularly I’m separating or even redrawing pictures (when our system can’t show them like I’ve painted or saved them in photoshop).  

We’re doing our best to finish v0.4.5 before the end of this month, so we’ve been busy with the game and (apart from the cheese incident) I’ve been regularly delaying my patreon post and polls, not my brightest idea, considering the fact that I still had to write and create teasers. It was kind of an emotional decision, because words can not describe how much we want to finish this update, and return to our regular sickle, I mean, cycle of development. 

 If you’ve been wondering, it actually feels good to upload the game, especially when the update has positive reception, I really do feel like we’ve accomplished something. I really miss that feeling. But, everytime I think we’re ready to upload it, another issue or gamebreaking idea arises.

That said, I don't think I’ll do any “reworks” again, at least not at this scale (the word itself brings tears to my eyes, tears of agony of course). And I don’t think it would have been possible on any other stage of the development, before we’ve started the rework - I had no clue how much of our time it would “eat”, if we’ve started doing it later on, it would never be ready, due to the size of the game. 

On paper, it all sounded cool and easy, we’ve even been preparing for it with smaller updates, but with our constant flow of game-breaking (or save-breaking) ideas, it exceeded all of my expectations time-wise. I honestly thought it would be finished in late April or May, then we did the “party quest” to take a break from it, and eventually we’ve uploaded it just to “buy ourselves more time”.  That’s basically what happened, when it comes to time.

Now, time aside, we just can’t “cut” anything out of it, or upload another standalone update right now, we need to finish this and finish it properly. 

Our issues include, but are not limited to, layers and their order (mostly layers and their order). We want you to do whatever you want in Defenestration, but RPG maker doesn't work like my layers in photoshop, I need to save them in a certain way and Moana needs to call them in a certain order. 

Last week I’ve shown you the amount of pictures in Kira’s character art, we don’t know what exact pictures will appear on your Kira, it solely depends on your choices, and there’s basically everything we could think of - Sex-toys, breat sizes, Hair (with lenghts), lactation etc. - All of it or none of it could be on your Kira at the same time, for that reason I’ve drawn so much stuff “in advance”, just so we could test it. 

Example - there are currently 50 different breasts for Kira’s character art - 10 “static” sizes, 10 for “self groping”, 10 for Male gropings (with interchangeable man on a different layer), 10 female gropings (interchangeable girl) and 10 for her "covering" pose (you've seen it in dorm, prison, etc.). Now, most of it is drawn and all of it was coded in and tested, but I forgot that her breasts might move in those “groping” events.

In fact, I’ve already drawn some of them in different positions, because this makes the scene more interesting and “alive”  - And this means that there should be 100 tattoo pictures and 50 piercing picture for 50 different breasts.  

Another Example - Sex Toys, that was entirely my fault, because I no longer touch code, I’ve saved them in the wrong way, there are different toys that Kira might want to wear, so I’ve assumed that I should separate them on “top” and “bottom”, same as I did with her clothes, but no, that’s not how they work, so I’ve had to put them back together and save them as “whole”, some of them have 10 pictures, some just 1. 

Event’s are fine though, because they have 5 different breasts in each of them (sometimes more, depending on the event, like breast enlargements or gropings.)

Now, all of this is easily fixable, but if we were to upload the game with the layer’s problem - we would break your save files with our constant bug fixes. There’s a lot of those tiny problems that are currently all over the game, we’re fixing them as we go.

I wasn’t talking about them, because I think they are not interesting to you.

 This is a preview, not a final version. 

So far, all events in defenestration showed Kira’s face from four angles  Apart from expressions, lips or hair, this is the only face of Kira that you haven’t seen yet. I wanted to show you this particular event, because it’s one of the “older” ones, so the changes in the art are more prominent in it. Plus, I want to hear your opinion regarding her face in it. I’ve redrawn it already a bunch of times, and just like here, or in her frontal teaser - her character art now has a more “round-ish” hair, like it used to be.

We’ll do our best to finish the game by the end of this month, there’s still a lot of time, but, there’s a chance that we’ll need and extra week or two, I honestly hope that it won’t come to that, but I don’t want to accidentally lie to you, due to the amount of stuff that we still need to fix and improve. 

The polls should be up in a couple of hours, I’m putting my thoughts together. I intend to a tattoo post tomorrow, and I’ll continue to post teasers up until the release. 

Thank you for your support, patience and hopefully understanding. 



Take your time with it. The fact that you regularly post and keep everyone up-to-date puts you miles ahead of most devs. We know you're both working very hard on the game and we respect that you are passionate about it. As far as I am concerned whether the update is out by the end of the month or two from now doesn't matter. Just pace yourselves :D Anonynn.


Take your time. Like what Anonynn said you already do more than most devs so I'm sure the wait will be worth it.


"there are currently 50 different breasts for Kira’s character art - 10 “static” sizes, 10 for “self groping”, 10 for Male gropings (with interchangeable man on a different layer) and 10 female gropings (interchangeable girl)." But that only adds up to 40?


Oh, yep, forgot to write about the last 10 - it's "covering" pose, you've seen it in dorm, prison, etc. Thanks for telling me, I've added it into the post.


Im sure it will be worth the wait. Sounds really amazing, almost too good to be true ;) As for the the teaser - art looks great but her facial expression seems a bit off, she looks bored out of her mind and that doesnt seem right for the situation shes in ^^


This is the best the art has looked so far, really the only complaint I have (Don't get mad at me pls I mean no harm) is that she has a kind of plasticness to her, especially with her hair and expressions. Otherwise I appreciate the anatomical accuracy improvements, looking forward to the update :)


If you don't finish the update by the end of the month I will not be upset and will continue to support this game. Of games of this type I have played this one is the top in quality and therefore I perfectly understand the delays. Thank you for your commitment to quality and the work you are putting into this.