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Greetings! We’re still extremely busy with our rework update. To buy ourselves more time and continue working on it at peace, we’ve decided to release this stand-alone party quest. It will be included in the main game this month, but, for now, you can play it separately with a “clean” Kira (no mental or physical changes).

Your saves won’t work, because they are not needed for it. It only has new content, nothing else.

Welcome party

- two events.

- new book at the library

- some new character art

- party quest.

Note: It ends with the “roof” event. This quest has its own intro and some placeholder character art, which I will change in time. On top of that, we’re still doing our rework, so everything is a subject to change.

I will post another poll and progress report next week.

I’m looking forward to reading your feedback, thank you for your support and your patience!



thank you kanye! Very Cool!

Buzz Kill

You can get trapped by NPC's and your stuck forever. When they die make them walk through.

John Smithe

I just played through it and I gotta say something. That was the single funniest experience I've had playing this type of game. The dialogue, the different perspectives, the great music, and the new art all combined into something amazing that was well worth the wait. I was reminded of the hilarity involving the prison escape throughout,(which is one of my personal favorites) and I have to request that you never change the comedy in this game, because it is a treasure. Also when I first saw the new art in the demo posts I was a bit skeptical as I hold the old art very dearly in my heart, but the new images in this minigame were fantastic and have eased my fears. I look forward to the full magnificent game you are building, and I will wait as long as is necessary to get it. In conclusion, good job! To quote another game developer, "It's coming. When it's ready." And I wouldn't have it any other way.


Thank you so much! This means a lot to me, I wasn't sure whether or not I'm going overboard with the comedy:)


So, I don't want to be rude or something, i understand that it takes ist time, but when do you think can we expect the next update? Also i just can agree with John Smithe ;)


You're not rude. Your question is completely understandable:) We need more time to finish and polish everything. I honestly think we can finish the rework (and new events) at the end of the month. Hopefully this "party" update will ease the waiting:)


Could you please upload it somewhere else. I cant download it because of the 500mb limit transfer with MEGA


I greatly enjoyed it! It had good comedy, scenes and story. I liked the option for having two different stories and their perspectives. I was originally apprehensive of the rework and the new look that Kira had, but I actually really enjoyed it. I'm happy to be supporting you guys! The one question I have, would there be possibilities of any domination scenes from Kira, or is she purely a submissive? Thanks!


The new art is amazing, I am considering upgrading to the KGB Agent tier for the artbook at this point. Really looking forward to the next release and re replay with the new art

Dr. Madness MNA

Good stuff. I notice you mentioned that we are playing through this with a clean, uncorrupted Kira. Would it be fair to assume that a sufficiently lustful Kira will have different dialogues? I am curious what effect her choices during this quest will have on Kira's mental state/corruption... What happens if you refuse Katya?


Really excited to see how things go with Katya! Definately an interesting quest line, especially if can be combined with stuff at the 'new you'. It's clear the amount of work that you've done is massive, and that the re-work is necessary. I'm not certain the amount of work that goes into making a 'stand alone' quest like this, but i really like it as a way of keeping us all informed on the progress. It's definately a fun way of showing off new mechanics and story elements. Either way, KEEP IT UP!


Ummm....got trapped by sleeping man after drinking the liquor and had to reload.


Yes, hypnosis, lust and int will change some dialogues (mostly Kira's) in this quest. Sacrificing Katya at prison will also change some of Katya's dialogues. And of course Kira could look drastically different in this quest (tattoos, hair, breast size). If you'll refuse Katya, you won't be harrased by her again, it just locks her "romance" quest-chain, because you will always have an option to refuse in Defenestration.


yea i had that problem to no big deal but i loved the quest no pressure but any idea on release date


When will the next update?


I thought the next update was 10 days after this one lol