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Greetings fellow humans! Here’s another progress report.

The release date. We’ll upload the game on May 30-31 (definitely before you’ll get charged).

I assure you, we’re using everything at our disposal to finish it as quickly as we can, but we could use every extra minute, and so, we’ll use every day we can.

I’m going to talk about the content that it will have at the end of this post.

I can not delay this update. Since I think there was no update for far too long. This development experience has been generally positive for me, I love working on our project and I hate seeing it in this “stagnation” state.

It’s in our own best interests to make updates as quickly as possible and with as much new content as possible, because new updates always put the game “into the spotlight” and bring us more support. This goes without saying, but with more support I will be able to hire more people and/or buy more art from freelancers.

I know that no one really cares about backend, but we desperately need it right now. With this new “groundwork” we will be finally able to move forward, without looking back or worrying about older events . We’ve experimented with quests and events for the last year, and now it’s time to standardize it and make an actual game.

We’ve started doing it back in Autumn of 2018, while simultaneously adding new content. Originally we’ve started doing it to change some dialogue lines of Kira, and to recode the art for a better support of physical changes.

Because I’ve had to layer/edit events for this to work anyways, I’ve decided to redraw them.

Dialogues - written and coded, Character art - drawn and coded, Events - Most of them are, I still have more than enough time to finish redrawing them by the end of this Month.

That was it, the initial plan, and for the most part it’s completed.

Over the course of our rework, things quickly spiraled out of the control, in a sense that we’ve had a lot of other interesting ideas that took our time.

For example:

Using Kira’s character art in events to support every outfit; Making female/male/self gropings a part of Kira’s character art to create random events in the future; Changing how hypnosis works, creating fetish system; Adding “hints”; Merging prisons; Giving the player access to “New You” before prison; Remembering every event to call in art when we’ll need it in the future. And much much more.

The amount of backend stuff, various systems, artwork layers and etc. is extremely overwhelming. Especially since half of the game was coded by me, and other half by Moana.

Some of you saw “party quest” in the last poll, so that was a minor lie, it was actually “party quest: part two”. Yep, it’s finally in, along with some other (hopefully) pleasant stuff.


I’ve listed everything above for a reason, I’m trying to convey to you the amount of work we did and still have to do. At this moment, the game is still “raw”. We’ve had bugs in releases with just one event and now we’re talking about 30+.

We’re redoing a year worth of work, and I really don’t think we’re ready to publish this monstrosity. There’s still time, but I want to look at this realistically, which brings me to the next part.

We have almost ten days for Moana to test and polish things and for me to finish redrawing events. That said, there’s still a lot of minor stuff that we need to finish. On its own, every task from our “to-do list” is pretty simple, but together they are quite time consuming and it’s easy to get lost in them.

So Here’s our options:

Option A - release everything we’ve managed to do on May 30-31, despite bugs, glitches, crashes and unfinished events.

Option B - Separate new content from the main game and release just it.

To be honest, I’ve already chosen “option B”, because we really need to polish v0.4.5, and we’re already rushing thing out, but I want to hear your opinions.

Regardless of what will happen, there will be an update on May 30-31 (definitely before you’ll get charged).

Thank you for your support and your patience! Here’s another teaser to ease the wait:)

Note: This is work in progress, I’m not yet done with this angle, especially her patient uniform, so everything might change.



I honestly think you should just delay it until you have the game exactly how you want it. Progress reports help us know you're working on things and it's worth the wait! :D


this, finish it, test it and if u think *thats good* release it. while i can only speak for myself, i would rather play something complete then a *half assed* update, and if it needs 15 days more its ok too (for me).


I just wanted to wish you good luck. This will be the last update that I support financially. For me personally, what I saw in the december 21 progress report was great, but this new direction is just not for me. When it comes to art and games you can't please everyone and I still wish you good luck in your progress forward.


i'm with anonynn, finish the update properly. the two option offered does not appeal me so if either is released I wont touch it until it's properly done.

marty moth

looking forward to the new release , that said if its going to take you half a month extra to finish things off the do that , the more content we have the better , i'd even wait till end of next month just to make sure your done with the update ,


1. Imo fairly regular updates are important for Patreon creators and patrons. I mean you could always say "If i had 1 more month i could add/rework this or that" but that way no update would ever get released until the game is completely finished. 2. Not a fan of the epilepsy inducing new hypno spiral. Other than that the reworked art looks great.

Dr. Madness MNA

The way I see it, the best option is to release the version that will likely have bugs at the decided release date. In that scenario you are showing your progress and showing us how the new content will fit into the game in something resembling its proper context. Releasing the new content on its own might be an appealing idea, but showing what we need to do to get to that point is better. The only potential downside I could see to that would be if the new content breaks the old content or causes game crashes.


I'd go with an option c so the release will be bug tested with no tossing computer across room when game crashes or dead ends


I heavily enjoy Kira's new look and the change of cothing. And it's a good idea to go for option B while you work on the kinks made by the new events and flesh it out even more. Wish ya the best of luck in this.

Buzz Kill

Love the new art!


Personally, I would rather you take your time and release the update when it's ready. A new version would certainly be great, but not if it's full of bugs, and nobody wins if you burn yourself out trying to make the month end deadline. Your regular updates go a long way towards letting me know my money is not going to waste, and if it takes a little longer to get it right, then so be it.

Goddess Serena

I hate to say it tbh, but it would be better I think to wait for the full polished release, assuming that wouldn't take much more than a month. I think it's fine to go through with option B but there's a chance I would just wait it out for the rest of the content. Do you have a rough estimate timeline it would take to complete the rest of the content? Cause if we're talking a couple weeks its not a big deal, kinda just seems like you're just trying to drop an update, which is cool but still.


I find it kinda amusing how everyone is telling Him to not rush the new release, when he literally explains why he is doing it in the post. People think they are being supportive when all they are really doing is ignoring what he says.


I love the new art. I would vote for option A, but option B sounds good too. PS: That Work-in-progress Patient Uniform that is pretty much gloves, boots and collar is awesome! I can't wait to see that in action.


I personally like option A more


Склоняюсь к плану "А".


Happy with both options. Progress is visible in both cases. As you decided on b), I now look forward to end of May to see all what is new. Keep up the good work! The game has made great progress over the last year!


i think option A is better, because you'll find bugs faster this way


I wasn't a big fan of the patient uniform either


I think option A is better. Думаю, вариант А лучше.


I think we might need another week or two to polish it. But if I’ll I go with an option B our plan might change a little. I’ll explain it next week, when I’ll know for sure.


Wahtever works best for you - looking forward to it either way. Left of the image looks awesome!

william wofford

in my honest opinion, while i am dying to see the update, i think i would prefer it to be complete and not piecemeal or with glitches and bugs ....i don't mind waiting for QUALITY .......your game is excellent ,and i appreciate you trying to make it even better ....there is no reason to rush if you need more time i think we will all understand ........

Master Master

Could you make the stockings/gloves optional, not really a fan of those?


I say B better to wait for a polished update but its up to you man I am happy either way. Its a good game I love your work so for me its worth the wait.


I, for one, liked the old patient uniform. It managed to look kinda institution-ish with a fetish twist. The new one is good as well, but my "hospital sense" isn't tingling. It looks more like sexy bondage apparel. No matter, if this is what you want it to look like then I'm all for it. Also, I'm very happy to hear that you're continuing the "welcome party"-quest. Looking forward to get to know Kira's roommates.


Will there be any way to toggle on the old art? I admit I find it more appealing than the CG significantly. There's so much more style and emotion conveyed in it, no disrespect meant.


go option B


Some outfits (like this one) will have stockings and/or glows. Unfortunately I can't separate them, but there are plenty of outfits without them.


Unfortunately there won't be such option, because I'm not going to continue drawing in the old style. And without constant support it eventually won't work.


B stands for Boobs, that's always a good Option when it has B


question, if we get to use the "New You" can we get a option to permanently switch to bimbo Kara portrait or is it too late or not possible to add that?


well.....its huge change in art style.....


Are we likely to see an update today?


We're wrapping things up. Most likely it will be out tomorrow morning or evening


Still waiting


Still on track for today?


Nope, you'll be able to get it right at the start of the game at the mall.