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I keep myself busy! Collaging, comicking, obsessively diagraming- Here’s the bullshit I made in August:

What She Knows is an art practice/experiment that my friend, Lucy Bellwood, is developing, which prompts you to make art in response to a daily question. I am participating in my native language of collage, which you can see in the following links:

Fresh autobio comic! A one-pager all about my four favorite times of the year: The New School Semesters, when my local community college sends out its latest course catalogue. Ah, the air is ripe with potential!

You know what’s cool? Providing a public page where any-and-everyone can actually get a preview of all the 11 eBooks (over 2,000 pages!) I have available for download, instead of just the patrons who are already subscribed at the eBooks tier. YOU’RE WELCOME, NON-PATRONS. Collectively, these books retail for $62, but I’m givin’ ‘em away for a flat $20!

And, of course, I continue to toil away on Letters From Space Camp, my memoir graphic novel about going through the Intensive Outpatient Program at the mental hospital.

The entire sample chapter is now revised and can be read in one complete 22 page chunk of comics! (It’s revised to present in the pitch package I’ll be sending off to potential publishers)

So you’ve read my book’s original draft and now you’ve read the revised draft, but… what exactly is different??? LET ME TELL YOU. Let me show you. I didn’t make all these comparison diagrams for nothin’

Till next month (which is in, like, a week-and-a-half), I remain,

-Erika Moen, a teenage girl in the 90s.



M Aidan

I absolutely adore your roundups!


you always brighten my day. Some days are darker than others, so thanks!