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What She Knows is an art practice which prompts you with a daily statement and I am answering  in my native language of collage. My previous responses are collected here. The prompt today was:

My mundane superpower is...

My mundane superpower is my ability to talk to strangers and make friends with them. 

I regularly make friends on the bus and hang out with them on an ongoing basis long afterwards. I have a whole category in my phone’s address book for Bus Friends. This feels completely normal to me but Matt assures me it is not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The moon landscape paper cutting through the solid black background shows how barren and lonely life can be without others in it. 

The goose and the girl are strangers meeting and making the first offers of connection. 

The gold halos illuminate both them as individuals and also as sharing the same openness to building relationships with the people (OR GEESE) around them.

I rotated the figures back on their haunches more so they’re closer to making eye contact with each other, rather than the original where they’re both very much focused on the food in hand.



Danielle Corsetto

It is not normal and I LOVE IT about you. <3

Devon McGuire

I love this so muuuuuch