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What She Knows is an art practice which prompts you with a daily statement and I am answering  in my native language of collage. My previous responses are collected here. The prompt today day was:

I feel embodied when...

Ok, so I didn’t really know what “embodied” meant.  I mean, I sort-of knew? But not enough to answer the prompt confidently.  

Using the dictionary definition of “be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling)”, I still wasn’t sure what that meant so I tried out substituting in a series of recommended similar words (“incarnate, give human form/shape to, incorporate”, etc)  to the original question and came away rephrasing it as “When do I feel happiest in my body?” and, of course, the answer is “When I’m gardening”

And rather than make a collage of my garden again, instead I made a picture of what that gardening-specific physical happiness feels like- which is a bright magenta washing machine with giant carrot greens joyfully growing-exploding (growsploding™) through the roof. 

The washing machine is my body, while the color magenta and the leafy carrot stalks are my feelings of  joy and growth and playfulness and imagination when I’m working in my garden.



Jackie Sherman

Something I particularly love about this collage is that it also looks a bit like a beet! It's almost like the collage version of those beautiful illuminated beet paintings you did a while ago, which feels appropriate given the prompt and your answer. :)

The Ferret

A beautiful tasty collage! n_n