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(Originally published August 13, 2014 on The Nib)

I drew this comic the day Robin Williams died, it just pushed itself out of me fully formed and it's still the comic I'm most proud of to this day. 

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Bixby Voithos

I had a similar moment in my life when I was reading The Fault In Our Stars. When Hazel says that she's a grenade, it finally hit me that I was one too. And that if I went out like that, I would hurt so many people. I realized that I couldn't do that to the people I love. But I 100% understand the wanting a button to disappear. I've always been scared to die, but at the same time, never really wanted to be alive either. I'm happy to be alive now, but that journey is hard. Thank you for sharing this.


I’ve always loved this one.

Allegra Fortin

I’m curious, has your perspective on Robin Williams’ death changed at all since his family came forward and revealed that the root cause of his death was Lewy Body Dementia?


It made me understand his motivations better, so it made it make more sense. Our situations are very different, but he's still a lighthouse when I'm struggling with my own brain and he helps keep me from getting to close to the rocks.


This is so beautiful, thank you for it.