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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver... defends our book???

So, uh, John Oliver praised Let's Talk About It on his show? He called our sex and relationship book for teens "...a long, thoughtful discussion..." & "...good advice!" and his graphics team illustrated a line from our book to show as a joke card so that is a thing that happened and I definitely did not dream it O.O

🔒 Magic Wand Illustration #10 🔒 Patrons Only

Matt and I have been hard at work cranking out a series of illustration for the one, the only, Magic Wand! Yes... that Magic Wand. The results aren't public yet but patrons get special early access to our collaboration with the Mightiest of Wands.

🔒 Rip Out the Original Stitching 🔒 Patrons Only

Comics don't take nearly long enough to draw so I decided to collage one! Here's the third (of six) panels explaining how to replace a busted boot zipper.


Listen. Sometimes a bitch is menopausin' and she needs some space to have feelings. SPOILERS: A video of me eating strawberries, some drawings of my plants, and, of course, photos of my garden.

"Draw me like one of your French girls..."

Some illustrations of my garden and, yes, obviously I talk about menopause- how could I not? 

🔒 Listen. This post is a whole lotta bullshit but there are some garden before-and-after photos, so you might like that. 🔒 Patrons Only

Wow. I really. went some places. in this post. Like the title says, there are some pretty cool before-and-after pictures of my garden, but also there is a lot of brain-words-feelings stuff too, so consider this your warning. BUT LOOK AT THIS TRANSFORMATION:

That's it for May! Thanks for bein' here! I'll have another sweet round-up for you for June :D




The garden is doing well!

Cindy Womack

That garden is lovely! Im getting 'After Envy'.