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This was supposed to go up yesterday, but life being life, it didn't.

Anyway, you all know how it works.

- T2 and T3 get to suggest things for me to doodle.
- Raffles are forbidden, so I pick whichever idea I like best.
- Sketches will be refined quality or better.
- No suggestions that violate patreon policies.

Picking the winner tomorrow.

Potential other postables should also be handled tomorrow, though events today may influence this.





Gonna go with a scene from a story I read a little while ago that dealt with the protagonist and their lover carried through town during a festival. Maned wolf knotting herself atop a lupine lover as they’re paraded through town before a crowd of cheering onlookers.

Tygon Panthera

Dunno if I'm eligible again yet, but... Otter diving for... feesh? Treasure? The fun of it? :) I'm imagining someone like her https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42058934/ (NSFW) but it's of course up to you.


Would you be able to share a link to the story?