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Voting Time

  • Do a page at a time 6
  • Do batches of pages 2
  • A page at a time, with ready thumbnails 1
  • Keep going as is 0
  • 2023-11-21
  • —2023-11-26
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Voting Time', 'choices': [{'text': 'Do a page at a time', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Do batches of pages', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'A page at a time, with ready thumbnails', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Keep going as is', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 26, 22, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 21, 11, 28, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


Alright, so as promissed, here's that vote on how I should continue with Royal Escort to make the whole thing a little more engaging and keep it fresh for you guys.

I've explained my process before, but I'll just reiterate a bit here; what I usually do is, I thumbnail the pages of whatever story I'm working on from start to finish, so I have scope and clear goals to work towards. Now this provides an opportunity for sharing progress, and the perks it provides to me are provided to you aswell, however I'm a little worried that having the thumbnails basically give away what little plot there is will also take away plenty of the magic that is sequential art creation.

So instead of going through the thumbnailing, then defining, then lining, then color etc. I'm proposing I might skip ahead to putting render on either a page or batches of pages and share those either instead of, or alongside thumbnails and other stages of render.

Now, I'm trying to put as much time as I can into putting out dedicated material for you guys, but obviously rendering will take up a lot more time than just thumbnailing does, and I do have obligations to fulfil towards commissioning customers. I'm also aware I'm never gonna have the kind of enviable output some folks out there have (lookin' at you there, little mr. pockoon) but I would hope I can shoot for a page a month - I think that's reasonable. If I manage to put together more, I'm sure you guys wont mind :b

Anyway, the polling options will be as follows:

1. Do a page at a time
Basically I drop showing off the thumbnails and go into the rendering stages until I've caught up to the most recent (Page 8) and then do one page at a time going forward.

2. Do batches of pages
Kind of like before, but instead of doing one page at a time, I might do three or four, depending on output potential and story flow. So I'd catch up to Page 8, then do 3 or 4 thumbnails, render, 3 or 4 thumbnails, render, thumbnails, render ~

3. Do a page at a time, but show thumbnails when available
So what's most likely to happen with the previous two options is that I'll be doing the thumbnails on the side anyway and then just show you guys the most recent (single or batch) as I complete the latest render. If you vote for this option, I would be showing off thumbnails whenever I complete them, regardless of whether I've completed a previous render - basically what I'm doing now, but with the render process running alongside it, instead of coming afterwards.

4. Don't change a running system
I just keep going as is. I'll work through all the thumbnails, all the definition, all the lines, etc. until we eventually have a completed comic.

So there we go.

Depending on how this vote goes, there might be a second one monday next week on something regarding the rendering, but we'll see about that then. For now I just wanna know what you guys would like to see me do as we go forward :3

Poll will end SUN 26th 23:00 CET

Happy voting <3



Usually I see artists do a page at a time, sharing the Sketch/Ink/flat/complete stages or something similar.