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Alrighty everybody, here we finally go with some of the content suggestion stuff!

Here's how this is gonna work;

I'll be throwing up these announcements at intervals. I'm going to try every second week for now, to get into the swing of it and work out any kinks in the system, with the goal of eventually uping it to once a week.

Everybody gets one suggestion per round. Suggestions will be limited to tiers 2 and 3 to avoid congestion, though the results will be visible to all patrons*. Provided all goes as planned, there will be some changes to that structure in the future to facilitate a bit of a benefit structure for higher tiers, but once again, that's a bridge we'll cross when we get there.

As patreon does not allow raffles I'm required to play favorites here, so I'm just going to pick whichever suggestion I feel is the most interesting on wednesday, to give everybody enough time to put down an idea. Results will be at least of refined sketch quality or better, though I reserve the right to escalte at my discretion*, as I am known to do from time to time :b

To suggest something, all you have to do is comment here. I'm not going to impose any kind of limiters or prompts for themes just yet**, as I just want to see how this works out, but I might do so in the future if I have a hankering for going in a direction.

Aside from that though, if there's something you've always wanted to see me draw, here's your chance. Fire away!


* images resulting from these events that exceed sketch quality will be limited to tier 2+ viewership

** exceptions to this is anything featuring bodily waste, or things that violate patreon upload policy, so no underage/cub stuff, rape, etc. but I figure that goes without saying - I'm still saying tho.



I like Tygons idea of Fire Fennec and Lioness interaction


Longshot but since my brain’s fried atm & there’s nothing above saying I can’t do it, I’m gonna pitch a sequel to the following pic (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45685605/) depicting the male cautiously glancing around the corner of military compound while he escorting/carries the previously seen Siamese amputee to freedom, his jacket wrapped around the female to cover her naked form. Honestly it wsa between that or some pred/prey crack of Myra & Marvin hate-fucking