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Something I've touched on conceptually from time to time, but never really fleshed out, is si'itian guard formal dress. I figured now was as good a time as any to get that sorted and did some doodling.

I looked at several forms of modern parade uniforms and tried my hand at combining them with elements of what's known of ancient egyptian dress, ending up with the very rough idea of what you see on the left.

Duplicating and refining it a little left me with the colored variants, however I didn't really end up liking any of them as much as I had hoped. The last one on the far right might end up being the parade version of red guard dress, but aside from that I've defaulted back to slightly altering an older version of dress uniform I'd already drawn.

The equivalent of enlisted personel and NCO's would wear the white jacket and pants, while the capelet is part of officers dress. Depending on rank, the capelet may display a responding insignia, and flag officers will usually have their province's coat of arms displayed above said stripes, along with the royal crest, though neither of those things are displayed here - figure I should probably do a display version where that's shown off too X3


I had mentioned in yesterday's post I'm not usually a fan of bot people, but given that artificial intelligences are a thing in both mine and Fluff's universes, I feel it's an opportunity to compare&contrast a bit on the issue. Mind you, Royal Escort wont delve heavily into the philosophical corner, but just the fact that Fluff's bots get to be lifelike and mine don't is already a fun hook for thought (and I know there were in-canon historical events relating to that question too).

Having said that, I do love Fluff's designs, and he does them well enough to make even artificials masquerading as organics endearing to me, so since I'd drawn ARA before, I figure Warning should probably make an appearance in my style too.

Next to her is a standard AI core avatar. There are some in-universe things that go into the design which will be a little too exhaustive to explain here (or in Royal Escort), but I might make a dedicated post on the matter some time. Who knows, maybe I'll try another one of those "ask the cast" things, despite their usually ill-fated nature X3


Lastly we have the doodles for Page 3. Not a whole lot to say, except that I had to fall back on my tried and true practice of putting dialogue onto the page before actually drawing what's happening on it - you can see the blurred out grey areas between Antar and Ayn there. I guess some things just become engrained in the process. So long as it works, eh?


That's all for today. Responses soon. LYA~




This is great, and that is an adorable Warning.


Thank you ^^ first of her kind - likely wont be the last though X3