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I was going through the posts from earlier this year, which made me realize that this finished animation was never uploaded to either here or FA, so I'm fixing that now. I did make a post about the very early concept sketch in March at a time where this was already done, but Tankana wanted to make a short story to go with it before posting, so I held off and it got swept up with the rest of the month's material into the completed folder - ah well X3

Honestly, as much as I have dropped Antar as my representative, it's always nice to see him getting some attention. It's a little amusing that he turned out to be one of my most popular characters besides Maia - I'm not entirely sure as to why that is, because it's not like he has her impressively large chest to brag with, but I'm definitely not complaining XD

As I said in the public post, it's by no means the best it could be due to various factors, but that's just how animation works. It's costly and time consuming for everyone involved. All things considered though, I'm very happy with how it turned out anyway. I can see some minor issues, like a line or two I forgot to animate with some of the motions, but it's all negligible in the large scheme of things.

I know Tankana was all around satisfied with the results and, in the end, that's all that really matters ;3




LOVING it. Beautiful love between the two of them, and gorgeous animation. The swallow was very special!