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Happy New Year everybody!

Sorry I'm a few days later uploading these. We currently have a guest from out of town and it's been somewhat preoccupying.

Anywho, here's the latest of my painterly pictures in large. Both of them I experimented with a little bit again, mostly with the lighting process.


First we have a lovely leopard girl getting herself exposed by a "friend". I've never been much into flashing or public exposition as a fetish, rather I just consider nakedness to be the natural state of things and clothes an inhibitor to that.

Having said that, I suppose there is an undeniable element of excitement in breaking taboos, especially within restrictive societies. Mind you, that's not the reason I chose to use the middle east as the implied setting for this piece, but rather my liking of khimaar and hijab as fashion.

I probably don't need to say this, but I will anyway; I don't condone the hijab as a compulsory clothing item for women in any capacity. In fact I oppose it strongly in a political context for (I would like to think) obvious reasons. As far as I'm concerned, that doesn't mean I can't find it beautiful in spite of.

Anyway, aside from what I said above, I mentioned in the public post that I find they work great as framing devices, both for the face and, in this case, other things <w< I also wanted to expand my shape language concerning breasts a little more, so I went for something a little different from the usual ball and nob for variation's sake.

Otherwise, while not immensely prominent, I tried to limit myself to species from the geographical area, but I suppose leopards are so visually similar that neither I nor anyone else can tell that I tried to depict an arabian leopard vs. any other X3 . The african wild dog girl was spotted pretty easily. I'm fairly sure no one paid attention to the lemur in the background, but she's not supposed to be the focus anyway, so that's fine by me X3

As for what I experimented with; like I mentioned in the last upload from last year, I'd noticed I had changed up my work process, but I had also learned to apply a couple' new things along the way. So what I did was, I greyscale shaded the image as I usually would, then added colors on a multiplication layer, before putting a separate layer of highlights ontop to give the shapes more depth. There's a couple' more steps to it which can be looked at in the PSD files, but that's the gist of it.

One way or another, I'm super happy with the results =w=


Second we have another species that doesn't get a lot of attention (though I seem to recall a couple' more popping up as of late), a Fossa 8D Granted, there's not a lot of her to see, besides that very characteristic nose, but I figure that's good enough to give it away.

As shared in the public post, this piece was inspired by Kraftklub's Songs Für Liam which is technically entirely irrelevant, since the image has no direct relation besides having a flare in it X3

What I wanted was a bit of a feeling of idle carelessness, and I feel I achieved that, but besides that the picture offered very little of note, so my head concepted something that would be visually interesting, but was pretty detached from the original inspiration.

For those who don't speak german "Und wenn du mich küsst, dann ist die Welt ein bisschen weniger scheiße." literllay translates to "And if you kiss me, the world's a little less shitty." and that's taken right from the refrain ^^

Artistically this turned out to be more challenging than I had originally thought. A little bit of reflected light, some rim light, it'll be fine? I messed around with blending the lightsand shades on the jacket for over an hour, before I resigned to it being good enough and slapping red on it >.<

Either way, it turned out alright. Not my very best piece, but I can be happy with it :3


As is tradition by now, I promise to do more art and uploads again. Whether or not I actually follow up on that remains to be seen :b




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