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This was a May Design and has been Archived! If you were subscribed in May you will receive an email from MyMiniFactory within the week to access the archived files from that month. If you are starting your Subscription in June, Welcome! Your exclusive models are available immediately in the Exclusive posts (link below) and the June Models will be in the June posts tab as they come out over the month! https://www.patreon.com/cinderwing3d?filters[tag]=Exclusives

If you missed this model or any others they are available on MMF for purchase! Please use the Discount code: CinderJune2023 https://www.myminifactory.com/users/Cinderwing3D?show=store


Hi Cinders!!!

This month's dragon is the ARMORED SPIKE DRAGON! This is a really FUN print and EXTREMELY POSABLE!

This species of dragon is a QUAD-WING dragon, with 2 big sets of fan out wings! I have designed these wings to be pop-ins, meaning you can print them on a separate bed for bigger dragons and also help minimize fail prints due to wing adhesion. If you would like to fit it all on one printbed 80% seems to be a great size! There are also notches on the body segment for the wings to sit in 2 different positions!

This model is a NO SUPPORTS model and has been tested between 100%-60% sizes.  For better bed adhesion we recommend a brim especially around the wings. While it's a spikey design, it's actually not hard to hold and my kids have so much fun playing with them!

There are 2 different variations!

  • Winged (with separate wing file)
  • Wingless

Filament: Filament shout-out to FILAMENTIUM for the stunning Crystal Clear teal filament! It's my favorite color and I love how the light shines through! Also used HZST3D's Gun Metal Grey which is a great armor color!

Thank you all for your support!! :)



May Models:

  • Gemstone Turtle - Released
  • Flutterphin - Released
  • Baby Butterfly Dragon - EXCLUSIVE Released
  • Armored Spike Dragon - Released
  • Secret Design



Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (support@cinderwing3D.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admins (Jazzy and Turk) and Test Team for all your hard work!




Did the MMF email go out already? I didn't get it and missed downloading the file.


I printed this with Overture PLA Plus black (body), and Amolen Silk Gold (wings). I literally had a bidding war going the moment we posted this.


Do you have a model of a rock formation or mountain he can rest on?


I have been unsuccessful trying to paint this in the Bambu slicer. How did you paint the wings two different colors.


I really love the look of these, but they never seem to stay in place. The fronts are OK for now, but the backs aren't tight at all. If you print on a Bambu or a perfectly dialed in printer, the ball joints are too loose and the wings don't stay up. Maybe a sticky filament will be better but ughh. I seem to have this problem with all the pop-in winged dragons. :(


In this case I'd recommend going up 1% or heck, even half a % in scale. That usually does the trick. We try to get it as good as we can for most but every filament and every printer is gonna be a little different!