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Hi Cinders!!

Releasing the BABY Butterfly Dragon as this month's Supporter Exclusive!

This adorable baby dragon will NOT be made public and is only for you all! Thank you to Tester, Brooke (pbxbarbie) for use of her beautiful photos!

There are 3 different variations!

  • attached mini wings
  • short easy print wings (inspired by a suggestions on Discord)
  • opening wings

--> We will be UPDATING the ADULT Butterfly Dragon (from April's release) shortly to have the shorter wing variation as well as a resin version with greater wing clearance! Since this was an April release it will be updated in the MMF Library and on the public store listings. MORE INFO TO COME. Thank you all!



May Models:

  • Gemstone Turtle - Released
  • Flutterphin - Released
  • Baby Butterfly Dragon - EXCLUSIVE Released
  • Secret Design
  • Secret Design


Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (support@cinderwing3D.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admins (Jazzy and Turk) and Test Team for all your hard work!




Looking great thanks :)


cant not wait to print this


I just printed the baby with short wings and the one wing joint is stuck - any advice on getting it unstuck? I'm afraid to use too much force and I tried to soften it with a heat gun but it made that whole part of the wing soft and I didn't want to bend it.


Gentle rotations usually do the trick. I usually just wiggle until its free. I'd also recommend checking your flow as well!


Are we going to get the key ring version of the butterfly dragons. Those are my most popular


The tadling keychains are a community mod, so if someone makes some we shall have some!