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Greetings! This is a bugfix update to 10.0, but it does (re-)add one feature: lighting. A couple of scenes in 10.0 look much better with lighting on, so now you’ll get to see them the way they were intended! Here’s the link, which is the same folder as before:


I’d disabled lighting because it was seemingly related to some text rendering problems, but I think updating to a newer version of nwjs resolved the issue. Performance seems noticeably better, too, but maybe it’s just me. The Linux version does not have the newer version of nwjs - I wasn’t able to figure out how to get it to run on my Ubuntu VM - but that could just be my ignorance of Linux. I went ahead and turned lighting back on anyway.

Could someone verify it works on macOS? I’d tested the previous package on a Mac, so I know it did, but I don’t have access to one right now.

Other changes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented you from completing Val’s progression H-scenes
  • Fixed Ana showing up when she wasn’t supposed to during the embassy quest
  • Added a text file explaining basic controls
  • Fixed various other minor issues, typos, etc.



If you're a Linux person and you notice a lot of text rendering problems, please let me know. I'll try to figure something out.