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I apologize for spamming you like this. I was made aware of a serious bug in which the second Oracle scene (from 10.0) plays when the first one should (from 0.8, on Shiri's quest.) That's a pretty bad bug and will ruin a lot of story surprises, so I wanted to get the fix out as soon as possible. The bug won't affect you if your save is already past Shiri's quest from 0.8, but if not - it's kinda bad. 

The new build is in the same folder as before, but here's the link again:


Thanks to the person who reported it! Sorry for the spam, and thanks for your support!



Wrote a very positive review on TFgamessite, which I guess you would have noticed anyway. I want to repeat argument from the review, though; I don't think tPE is an XXX-rated game, more of an X-rated game. As far as I'm concerned, the difference between X and XXX is in the amount of sexual content vs non-sexual content, not in the naughtiness of the scenes. Your mileage may wary.


Thank you! I think you're right about X vs XXX, and I've adjusted the game's rating on the TFGS page. I've been looking for ways to communicate to prospective players that it's more "game, with porn" than "porn game" so they'll have appropriate expectations going in, and that seems another good way to do it. Edit: I also added something to the start of new games in one of the 0.9 builds that basically says: "It's primarily about the story, but there's also a lot of porn. Are you old enough?"