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Before the month ends, I want to let you know that anyone who was a $5+ supporter during this month (or the previous one) will receive a link to 0.9 when it's released (in your Patreon messages.) You don't have to keep supporting next month to get it.

I've still not finished the nightclub dialogue I spoke about earlier, though I've gotten a lot of it done. There's quite a bit of dialogue in the nightclub, and I'm trying to make some of it meaningful for either character development or the character's story arc.  This requires me to think about my long-term plans for each of them. I completed most of the dialogue for my favorite characters months ago - which I guess is why I thought I'd finished this part - leaving the characters I struggle with more. Which is why it's been going a bit slow. Nevertheless, I expect I will be done in a few days, certainly less than a week.

I think 0.9 will be good, and I like what's in it. I want to reiterate, though, that it probably won't blow your mind, and I don't think it's been worth the (long) wait. People have been anticipating this release for a long time, and I'm just trying to make sure expectations aren't set *too* high, which might lead to folks feeling disappointed when they wouldn't otherwise be. But I don't want to talk it down too much either! Don't worry - If you've enjoyed the game thus far, I think you'll enjoy 0.9.

I'm very sorry for the delay, and I look forward to finally being able to share the release with you! Thank you for your support - and Happy Halloween!



will it be coming out today?


we give you permission to post it now. WE wont be mad if there is some missing dialogue. TRUST


WHERE THE FUCK IS THE UPDATE? Its half way through the week and still nothing like we dont care about some missing dialogue just GIVE US THE FUCKING UPDATE. Like why are we paying for this BS!!!


I understand your frustration. But if you curse at me again I’ll be blocking you.


Braindead don't swear at the guy. And Proxxie if you really understood the frustration you'd just release the update now and finish the dialogue later. It'd be less stress for everyone.


I understand people’s frustration, but proxie is a perfectionist. The one thing nobody wants is for them to give up on developing the game. On the 0.8 release they suffered a lot of abuse and withdrew from developing for a while. They have announced that people don’t need to support this month if they were a supporter over the last month or two (I cannot remember exactly) The update will be out when it’s done, until then we just need to be patient and supportive. Please don’t push proxie into giving up on this game


I apologize for cursing buts its almost 3 weeks late from schedule and u said it shouldn't take more then a few days from last week Saturday. So we are all wondering y a few day dialogue fix up is taking almost another full week?


If endless "patience and support" doesn't motivate him then criticism is necessary. No one will magically achieve better work ethic waiting for a whim to strike them. Also, Proxxie already cut multiple quests from this update. There is no way perfectionism should keep him from releasing the patch as is and saving everyone from this hassle. No one still here cares about the money. They care about Proxxie's game.


"I expect I will be done in a few days, certainly less than a week." its almost a week sooooo..... where's the update proxxie?


I understand that nobody here cares about the money, but I think that goes for Proxxie as well. I don’t understand your justification for criticism. I have never worked at a job where insults or criticism motivated me to work better, all it did was motivate me to find another job. The only reason Proxxie put up any sort of release date was because we were all pressuring them to give us a rough estimate. After everything that happened with the 0.8 release, Proxxie was incredibly reluctant to set any date in stone. It was always an estimate date. Support and patience is all we are here for. Constructive criticism can come about game play or storyline, but if we want to enjoy this game in the future; we cannot attack the creator.


Asking the creator to hold to standards they set for themselves is helping them. This is a hard lesson to learn, but as a procrastinator myself I know for certain it's true. The worst thing someone can give me when times get tough is "permission". If not pressured to do something, I'll do nothing, and whim can only get me so far.


People find it comforting to think they have some means of controlling events which they do not. A small amount of (mostly justified) griping is probably helpful. Once it reaches a certain point it becomes demotivating.


People also find medicine unpalatable. Although I don't want you to suffocate under a swath of harassment, justified or otherwise, to brag about the impotence of people who want you to be as good as you are trying to be isn't quite admirable either. Regardless, there is little more to say. Please hurry. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think you were worth it.

Jacob A

So... For those of us who are reeeally straining to maintain composure while waiting, can you give an update? The last we got was "certainly less than a week" on Nov 1st. For me, it's not really the delays that get me, it's the lack of info.



Giles Corey

So what happened?


What could possibly justify this given what you have said.?


Beginning final polishing playthroughs now. Hope to have it out tomorrow.


Understandable, and I apologize. I thought the comments would be bad, so I’ve been kinda hiding out, trying to not think about anything else other than finishing it up (I find dealing with negative comments very demotivating). They haven’t, which makes me feel a bit silly.


Not a brag. Just an observation about human nature. In the 0.8 release cycle, there was a patron that thought he was 'helping' by frequently nagging, and he gave a rationale along the same lines as yours. He eventually became rather vicious. His net effect was the opposite of helping. To be clear, I think you're right to be impatient and perhaps a little angry.


Scratch that, it will most likely be out tomorrow. I came up with a long list of little things to fix.


It's always the little things. https://oscimg.oschina.net/oscnet/e20a88e2dc0c466bd4f2997683009a6b528.gif


some people are just so impatient and cruel, these things ain't easy!