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This is a quick note to let you know that I'm working on dialogue for the nightclub. For some reason I was thinking I'd finished it, but as I started playing through I discovered there's quite a bit that wasn't. I'm working to get it finished as soon as I can! Sorry about this, the release will be out very soon!



You fiend! This is the end of civilization! https://i0.wp.com/laughinglistener.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Crying-JustinLong.gif?resize=900%2C540&ssl=1

Giles Corey

Thanks for the update, I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Is it coming out tonight? I wanna know if I should stay up waiting for it.


Thanks, I'ma sleep then. Keep writing that good good smut-world.


I hate to be a bother, but how about tonight?


You aren't being a bother but I thought that I'd warn you that this is the pathway to madness. https://www.phantafriends.de/uploads/monthly_2019_11/E1733559-C7B3-4402-90B5-EE8C7C5F2D99.gif.98b3f81fee8e2db012946ede57b33808.gif


I just don't know how long the nightclub's missing dialogue will take so I'm forced to ask. From the lack of a new ETA and Proxxie saying the update would be out 'very soon' I thought it'd take something like 4-6 hours, or at the very least sooner than the previous specified delay of two days. Maybe something else went wrong. I can't help but be antsy at this point.

Giles Corey

Wait is there another delay? I don't use the discord. Why would half a room of dialogue take 3 days?


dude, you seem to be here not too long, "very soon" is at least a week, maybe a month =)

Giles Corey

Haha, yeah I guess typically. But how could that still be the case at this point?