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I apologize for not posting for a bit; to help make up for it, I decided to make an image for you guys. I hope you like it! Though 0.9's second H-scene will feature Sami, this image isn't directly related to it. I mostly just wanted to see Sami in a different outfit, and I think this is a good look for her. I don't know where she's going, but I'd probably follow her :D

From the poll, it looked like a lot of you wanted to keep the 'game view' character view feature. As I've hinted before, I do not, but I've thought about it a bit, and I think I've come up with a way to satisfy both of us. By default, the game will not have 'game view' character view active, but I will include some files in the game download that you can use to enable it. Basically, you'll need to take these files and use them to overwrite some files that are already there. This makes it clear that 'game view' isn't part of the experience I intend - and players won't accidentally stumble upon it - but the folks who want it will still be able to have it. 

I've been continuing work on the quests for 0.9, and I've made a fair bit of progress. I had some new ideas, so I ended up going back and changing a lot of stuff that I'd already written, but I also added a lot of new stuff. I now have about 2 and a half quests to go, then I need to do the second H-scene, and then final edits.

A question for you - for the 2nd H-scene, would you rather see Sami in her traditional demon outfit, or would you rather see her in something like this? Or something else entirely? Please let me know what you think. I'll post another update next weekend; I hope you enjoy the rest of yours, and thank you for your support!




I like the outfit I see here.