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I wanted to give you guys an update on where 0.9's development is before the end of the month -  and we're almost there! The biggest development on my end is that writing is back on track after a period of not being so. You may have noticed that I've spent a lot of time on non-writing stuff lately - transmog and character view plugins, art for the new features, hair models, early-game art revamp, etc. There was a reason for that, which mostly came down to lack of inspiration on the writing front. I'm now through this and back to writing. The stuff I worked on previously was needed and important, but the writing is probably the most important part of this project, and I'm glad to be back to it.

I think a lot of the problem came down to process. I'd tried different ways of mapping out ideas for the plot, and I ended up using tools for things they weren't really well-suited for (Articy:Draft is good for many things, but I don't find it to be a good all-around writing tool.) I also didn't have a very good system to capture my ideas and refer to them later. They were scattered in a bunch of different places, so they'd get recorded and then forgotten. I started out using Scrivener to handle all the writing and story-related stuff, and I think it worked quite well. I ended up moving away from it partially because the Windows version kinda sucked at the time, but I tried out the recent beta and it's actually pretty good now. In the process of moving everything back to Scrivener, I came across all these interesting ideas I had, read a lot of the stuff I'd written before, and got excited about the story all over again. I then started coming up with cool ideas for new quests and story events, figuring out how to rework old ones, and - well, we're back in business!

Something else newsworthy is that I'll likely include a second H-scene in 0.9. The one I've finished artwork for isn't super long (15 images), and given how long 0.9 has been in development, I figure it ought to have more sexy. As I've mentioned before, 0.9 will introduce a new H-scene 'hub' of sorts, but it won't feel much like a 'hub' with only one scene, will it? The second scene will probably involve Sami (the succubus) - don't think I didn't remember that poll I did a while back! :D

So, let's do a wrap-up on 0.9's status:

  • Character View feature: Done
  • Transmogrification feature: Done
  • Additional character art: Done
  • H-scenes: 1/2 complete
  • Quests: 3/8 complete

You may notice there are now more quests than I'd previously advertised for 0.9. I had some vague ideas floating around before, but while working through my writing issues I fleshed them out and got them to a point where I think they'd be pretty fun. 0.9 will see our heroes finally meet Ned Danger and get some clue as to what this whole quest line is all about! There are several other fun adventures in store for them, too :)

My plan is to finish up the writing before starting work on the second H-scene. This will let me have a bit of time between writing stuff and editing it for the final release - and it's always good to edit when the stuff you've written is no longer fresh in your mind.

The Poll

And now on to the poll question: it's about the 'game view' character view feature. 'Game View' is the one that places an image of the PC on your screen as you're walking about - hopefully you've played the test build and have seen it for yourself. As I've stated before, I don't really like it. I know there are some folks who do, though, and what I'm trying to get a handle on is how many folks feel that way. My inclination is not to include the feature in 0.9, but if it's popular enough I may have some way to enable it. So, here's my question:

Should I include the 'Game View' character view feature in 0.9?

Please let me know what you think, and thank you for your support! And Happy New Year everyone!


Jacob A

Well I do like the feature, but I'd rather you not pile on and wrap up 0.9, seeing as how I've been so patient and good this year :)


With every vote for the character view feature I feel the next update slipping further away... Glad to see you've hit your stride with writing quests again though. Keep up the good work.


I like it fine, but don't really care if it's left out. So I didn't pick either.


Keeping the feature won't mean any additional work for me. Or at least very little. Since I don't like it, I've already decided I won't devote the (considerable) effort it would require to make it behave as I'd want. It would be exactly as it is in the test build.


I like it but it's not a major thing so if its there good if its not good 😁

Kazuma Skultum

I voted no on the Game View feature however I do not mind too much. I just personally do not like large portions my screen obscured while I am playing. The models are super cute and very funny if dressed the right way.


I just want stuff that wont break the game for me :O i mean on a technical level. So anything new added to the game should be tested I think anyway. Perhaps you could get some "linux, wine and or playonlinux / virtual box " testers ?


It's an ok feature, but doesn't really add anything for me, so I voted No, I'd much rather time and resources go into more stories or quests. Any time spent fiddling with the graphic is time taken away from more important things.


I vote yes because this new feature is giving us a clear view of the different outfits (in high quality images), in the 'Game View' mode but also in the status submenu (which is a different picture). Before, we only have the rpgmaker sprite. However, I also find that the picture is obscuring large portion of the screen, but I prefer to have the option to enable/disable the game view than to not have that option at all.


I'll either add something that can disable the lighting plugin in accordance with your system's WebGL support, or put out a version with the lighting plugin disabled. Almost no one tests anything for me, so having a specifically Linux group isn't really possible.


This vote is specifically for the constant image overlay. If you voted assuming that the fact that an image was given to each outfit was up to debate, then your choice was on false pretenses. The only thing being voted on here is whether or not a feature that constantly displays that image on the screen is part of the game. As opposed to just the one available in the equipment screen.


I think Zathosi understood this, but was just expressing their opinion on the other parts of character view while they were at it.


Ah cool, I couldn't tell because of what they said about only having sprites before.