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I said you probably wouldn't hear from me until it was out, but I really didn't think it would take this long - I've honestly thought it was only a couple of days away for the past month now. I haven't started doing any playtesting yet, but this should be by far the longest release I've done (in terms of playtime), though most of the content is optional.

I'm finishing up the final cutscenes for a rather long quest right now, then I have one smaller quest left to do and that's it. I'm pretty certain it will be out before the end of the month, but obviously my track record for estimating this sort of thing isn't very good.

Just in case it isn't, I want you to know that everyone who was a $5+ patron in either May or June will get the full release, as well as any bugfixes. (The links will be sent via a private message in Patreon's message system). I want to make sure everyone who supported the project during this time will get the full release, regardless of whether or not they continue support in subsequent months.

I haven't read any of the comments or messages (or the Discord), and I probably won't until it's out. I'm sure most of you are supportive - and I really appreciate that. I'm also guessing there's a bit of negativity out there, and I find that very demotivating (even if it may be well-deserved at this point). I feel pretty bad about not interacting with you guys - that's the whole point of this platform, after all - but I got a bit sidetracked with the negative stuff toward the end of last month, and I wanted to make sure it didn't bog me down again. And, well, I didn't think development would go on quite this long!

I won't be doing a testing phase for this release - I'm just going to release it when it's done. I think I'll manage to catch all the serious bugs in my testing/refinement playthroughs, but owing to this release's size and complexity, it will probably take a while for all the bugs to get identified and I don't want to delay it that long. As I said above, though, anyone who was a supporter for May/June will also get the bugfixes for this release.

I'm amazed and very grateful that so many of you have stuck with me through this. Thank you, and I hope you will enjoy the release!



While the long wait is kinda annoying I can hold out mainly because I believe what we are going to get soon will be amazing work so I will sit calmly in my recliner with the comic section and wait


Can you give us some teasers?


I definitely understand the annoyance. My biggest fear at this point is that people might think it wasn't worth the wait, but I'm going to do everything I can during the polishing phase to make sure that doesn't happen!