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I'm still at work on the release. I don't have an ETA, I can only tell you that I'm getting a lot done on it and that it will be finished very soon.

I do want to announce, though, that if the full release isn't out by the last day of this month, everyone who was a $5+ patron this month will still get it.

When the release *is* done, I'll be sending a message out to everyone who was a $5+ patron this month containing the download links. It'll come through Patreon's messaging system, so keep an eye out for it. If that does happen, and you're one of those people, please let me know if you didn't get it. The same goes for the picture pack if you were a $10+ patron.

I realize some folks probably signed up expecting it to be out this month - and there's a good chance it will - but I don't want anyone to feel I was trying to be dishonest. I was certainly mistaken about the release date, but it didn't come from an intent to deceive.

You probably won't hear from me (here or in Discord) until the release is out. I apologize for the delay, I just want to make sure the release is something I'm happy with. Thank you for your support.



sooo... updates?


:( That last one was almost a month ago.... I hope everything's alright


Any new updates?