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For a while now I've been debating the idea of running a Discord server dedicated to the game. As it stands, there isn't much of a place to talk about The Proteus Effect other than comment threads on my posts, and that isn't exactly the best medium for conversations.

The thing is, though, I'm not sure how much interest there is in such a thing. First, I don't know how many folks want to participate in a community centered around the game, and second, I don't know how many of you actually use Discord.

With this poll, I'm trying to get an idea of how many people would actually use a Discord server if one were available. Before I get to the poll question, though, let me outline how I envision setting it up:

  • The server would be restricted to Patrons only. This is partly to keep out spammers and other bad actors. It would also ensure community members have some 'skin in the game', so to speak .
  • My current thinking is that a $1 Patron would see the same stuff as a $20 Patron (i.e., there wouldn't be any 'secret' channels for higher tiers). The intent is to provide a modestly-vetted place to discuss the game, not necessarily to reward bigger donors with greater access.

The channels and stuff could evolve based on what you guys would like; I imagine I'd initially set up channels for walkthroughs, plot/character discussion, art discussion, maybe a WIP channel, a channel for discussion of other games, and a general chat.

I haven't exactly figured out what my own level of involvement would be; I'd start off being the moderator, I guess, but hopefully the fact that it's Patrons only would cut down on the need for that sort of thing. I would find it helpful to discuss game-related things and ideas sometimes, and it would be nice to get more feedback on the game, but I wouldn't want using it to become a distraction from actually creating the game.

So, here's the poll question:

How much would you use a TPE Discord server, if one were available?

Please let me know if you have any other thoughts! I'll have another progress update a bit later in the week. Thank you for your support!



I find it interesting how the results differ from your poll and another TFGS author who posted today about the same exact topic. People are more enthusiastic for that one. While here it's more split.


I didn't vote because you didn't put a "I don't understand" choice. You have to low ball it for us old guys.


Discord is sort of a cross between a message board and a voice chat program. It's mainly targeted towards gamers, since it allows guilds/groups to communicate with each other synchronously (voice) and asynchronously (text messages that other members can read). You can also share files, links, whatever. It's really easy to set up, and is also free, thanks to magic Silicon Valley VC money. Groups other than gamers have started using it, since it allows folks to set up communities around shared interests pretty easily. I wouldn't personally be using the voice channels - except maybe to set up a music channel or something - most of the action would take place in text channels. I haven't used Discord much myself, TBH. Teamspeak and message boards were the standard thing back when I raided.


Discord is fine once you get used to it - I'm a relatively old guy myself and was able to figure it out. And for Proxxie, have you read Terry Pratchett? (Sorry if this has been asked before). This is the funniest porn game I've ever come across, and it has some similarities to his writing - I described it on another Discord server as having Frozen graphics with a Pratchett sensibility


Thanks for the kind words! I believe the only Pratchett book I've read is Good Omens (which he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman) - and that was a long time ago. I think I'll put some of his stuff on my to-read list, though. Any suggestions?


Umm... All of them? Lol, not actually. His first and last ones are not that great (he suffered from Alzheimer's at the end of his life, and his beginning books were him finding his feet). His books usually have some sort of overriding satirical theme, so pick one that relates to you - these are some of my favorites: The Truth (journalism), Masquerade (theater/opera), Lords and Ladies (Celebrity+Midsummer Night's Dream), Making Money (finance), Going Postal (communication), Hogsfather (fairy tales/belief), Small Gods (religion), Witches Abroad (fairy tales again), Unseen Academicals (football/soccer and racial prejudice). I haven't even listed any of his police works, which are all great but Men at Arms I've read about 5 times. Feet of Clay is almost as good and something of a sequel to Men at Arms


You've got a lot of good reading ahead of you. I agree that the first is not his best work but I'd still read them in order of publication.