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I hope you enjoyed 0.6 - after the bugfix, anyway!  I released the picture pack earlier this week and I’m now at work on 0.6.2, which I’ve been referring to as the ‘supplemental’ release. I suppose I should choose a different name - it won’t make up for any vitamin deficiencies you might have, and it won’t give you sick gainz in the gym. I just want to highlight that unlike previous 0.X.2 releases, this one *will* have new playable content - in this case quite a bit. To reiterate, though, it will *not* have any new H-scenes - those will be coming in 0.7.

Here’s what you can expect in 0.6.2:

  • The rest of the dungeon, including the miniboss battle, a boss battle, puzzles, NPCs, etc
  • 3 new quests
  • A hard mode for the dungeon
  • Probably a few more updates to the combat system
  • New scenes/dialogues/etc

I introduced a lot of stuff in 0.6 I'd like to get feedback on, but I figured I'd like to do something a little fun for my first post-release message. The next H-scene won't be out for a bit, but I want to let you guys decide who will be in it! Depending on what you choose, there could be a lot of design work involved, so it's best to get started early.

Thank you for your support, and I'll see you next week!

Poll Question:

Who would you like to see in the next H-scene?



I was fairly disappointed I was stopped from making the PC do something stupid by hooking up with the Succubus at the party, so that's definitely got my vote.


As long as it's futa x female, i'm good.


No Cory? I'm disappointed :(


Lol this is gonna be a landslide we all know the succubus is gonna win 😊


Whilst I understand theres inevitably going to be sex with other/multiple partners, I'm personally very interested in seeing more of the player and Ana's relationship and how it could develop during their adventures.