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I'm issuing version 0.6.1, which is a bugfix release intended mostly to get rid of the 'stuck in wall' bug that can happen early into the new content. It addresses a few other bugs, too, in addition to changing the way Mac saves work (more on that below).

Changelog 0.6.1:

  • Resolved issue that could result in player being stuck shortly after meeting the Bunnies by the dungeon
  • Made Human Registration Card equippable (by Ana)
  • Resolved issue that could cause unexpected Game Over after miniboss
  • Party members should no longer leave unexpectedly in Jovi's imp quest area
  • Glowfrog and Jovi's imp quests should behave more sensibly
  • Hospital behaves as expected when re-entering after completing quest
  • (Maybe?) Resolved issue that could cause post-hospital event to behave unexpectedly
  • Fixed bugs in the party changing sequence outside of dungeon
  • Changed the way saves are handled on macOS

Mac Save Migration

Mac users found that this version did not see previous saves, as it usually always does. The reason for this is that I upgraded the game engine slightly in 0.6, and this appears to have changed some of the engine's default paths. To make a long story short, the Mac version doesn't know the proper place to look for them anymore (but they're still there!). 

To avoid this in the future, I have now hardcoded the save path. Because of some changes in the way the system handles saves, though, you'll have to do some copy pasting and renaming to get your old saves to work. Saves should work just fine after this, and 'just work' in the future like they have up until now. Please do the following to migrate your saves:

  • Open your user Library folder. You can do this by opening a finder window, going to the ‘Go’ menu up top, and pressing the ‘Option’ key. You should see ‘Library’ appear in the menu. Click it, and your user library will open.
  • Navigate to ‘Application Support’ then ‘KADOKAWA’. This folder should contain a bunch of files with the ‘rpgsave’ extension. These are your save files.
  • Create a new folder in this directory called ‘Proteus Effect’. Make sure you include the space between those two words.
  • (Optional) Create a backup of all your save files. You can either copy them somewhere else, or highlight them all and choose ‘Compress # Items’ (which will create a .zip file of them).
  • Move your save files AND ‘RPGMVglobal.rpgsave’ into the ‘Proteus Effect’ folder.
  • Rename your files to remove the ‘RPGMV’ at the beginning. For example, if you have a file called ‘RPGMVfile4.rpgsave’, rename it to ‘file4.rpgsave’. Make sure you do the same for the ‘RPGMVglobal.rpgsave’ file. (It should end up titled simply 'global.rpgsave')

Everything should work fine after this. If you started a new game in 0.6 and want to access those saves, you'll follow a mostly similar procedure. The difference is that saves files created in 0.6 are stored directly in your user Library folder. If you created any, you'll see them as soon as you follow step 1 above. They'll be named something like 'Application Support whatever.rpgsave'. If you want continued access to these saves, you'll need to move them to the 'Proteus Effect' folder you created in step 3 and rename them to 'file1.rpgsave', etc, and 'global.rpgsave'.

Other Announcements

My priority for the next few days is to get 0.6's picture pack out. I want to change a couple of images, but it shouldn't take all that long. Barring some weird problem, the picture pack will be out before the end of the month.

Once it's out, I'll start working on 0.6's supplemental release, which will cover the rest of the dungeon. Much of it is already done (a lot of the gameplay stuff), but there's still a lot of writing to do for it. The supplemental release will not have any new H-scenes. I'm not going to put an ETA on it, but you should expect it to take far less time than a 'normal' release. 

If there are any bugs you find please let me know, and I'm interested in your feedback on the new release! Thank you for your support!

Version 0.6.1:






Starting with 6.0 and again in 6.1, I'm getting an error when trying to launch the Mac version of the game... it's not very helpful, just "The application 'Game.app' can't be opened." I checked the security control panel to see if it was missing permissions (like previous versions) but I don't see anything. Some guidance would be appreciated, thanks


Are any other Mac users having this problem? I tried logging onto a different user account and still wasn't able to replicate it . Does it just say 'can't be opened' or 'can't be opened because it's from an unidentified developer'? And how comfortable are you messing around in terminal?


It just says can't be opened (not because of the developer)... I'm comfortable in terminal, no problem


1. First, let's make sure we're talking about the same file. Navigate to where the zip file is in Terminal. Enter the following command: shasum The\ Proteus\ Effect\ 0.6.1\ Mac.zip It should take a few moments and then return: 8a14b84633f2a9d7f87be4b1cbb048fcfb5a5962 If it returns something else, that could be the problem. 2. When you unzip the file, please make sure to use Apple's built-in Archive Utility. I've read other ones might screw up permissions sometimes, which can cause the sort of problem you're describing. 3. Speaking of permissions, let's check those. Navigate to where the Game app is in Terminal (Keep in mind you need to preface spaces in folder names with a backslash '\' character. You can also autocomplete paths by hitting tab while you're typing.). Navigate *into* the Game.app (just type 'cd Game.app'), then Contents, then MacOS. Inside you should find a file called nwjs. Type 'ls -l', and you should see something like '-rwxr-xr-x'. Please let me know what you see there. Edit: While you're at it, navigate to the folder that contains Game.app in Terminal (probably 'The Proteus Effect 0.6.1 Mac') and run 'ls -l' there too. Please let me know what it says for permissions on Game.app. (ie, the 'drwxr....' stuff, not the stuff about your user id)


Really wish we got refunded items we use during a scripted battles... :v


shasum is good, unzipped with both builtin and unarchiver to test, same results... permissions inside Game.app/Contents/MacOS look good, first file is rwxr-xr-x which looks right to me (root read/write/execute, group read/exec, user read/exec) permissions for Game.app itself also look good, drwxr-xr-x I tried launching the game with the console up to see if I can find a better error,.. and that led me to what the problem is. Not sure how to fix it though, here's what the log has to say... exec of /private/var/folders/m0/nbmgzm4115j8mmx3mw6q_66m0000gq/T/AppTranslocation/29D44639-E17B-4C85-AEBC-13CE82837732/d/Game.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs denied since it was quarantined by Jump\x20Desktop and created without user consent, qtn-flags was 0x00000086


Fixed it... :) In terminal, I cd'd into the folder containing the original Game.app/ folder and then executed: sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ./Game.app/ After that ran (took a millisecond) everything worked fine.


Glad you fixed it! Interesting that what looks to be a remote desktop app would interfere with it.


I do feel a lil' bad about that, but I don't plan on doing that sort of thing often.


Yeah, I'm new to OSX and I needed a GOOD rdp client, Jump Desktop is it, but I didn't do anything to Jump to make it work... I'm wondering if I misclicked something back when I first tried 6.0 and accidentally quarantined the app. It's definitely an OS level quarantine, nothing to do with Jump Desktop directly...


I believe you need to have the full sequence (in Val's case) and both variations (in Ana's case) before it will show up. I may fix that in 0.7, thanks for reminding me!