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Come on. You knew this was coming.

I wanted to let you guys know that 0.4 won't be out today, though I do promise I'll have it out this weekend. (I'll stay up all night Saturday if I have to.) The large amount of renders this release have been a huge bottleneck - I still have some rendering, and there's a lot of postwork yet to do - but I really am close.

I know it probably seems like I sadistically enjoy tormenting you guys with release dates, but that's really not what it is! I find that having a deadline improves my productivity quite a lot, even if I don't entirely meet them.

I've been having a lot of fun writing the dialogues and events, and that's usually a good sign. I think you guys will enjoy it.

Thank you for your patience!



Lol I'm don't mind waiting for perfection and if you get done this weekend it's perfect since I don't have work. Yay me😄


I do not think you are deliberately tormenting us with release dates.


I'm of the opposite opinion. Remember when he said he'll finally stop teasing us AFTER the update? Well, he's now trying to get his money's worth before the update. :)


Yeeeeee weekend hype!


more computers for simultaneous rendering!


Wait, i thought the original release date was last wednesday xD You really are one teasy boi ;) (Doesn't matter to me though, as i'm but a 1$ peasant)


Still baking some renders, finishing a couple of things up, and then I need to test. It will be out at some point today.


gues for me it will probably be out on monday. since i live in sweden just means i have something to look forward to after work tomorow:D


btw, we are cool with bugs :P if anything I am sure people will report then here.


Also, I never quite figured out how to transfer save data from older versions. Could anyone help out?


I... I'm sorry guys!! I think I jinxed it for all of us! :'(


TMW when your prediction will turn out to be correct (´;Д;`)


We all know it's not your fault. The fact that I'm going to blame you anyway is completely unjustified. I'm only doing it because, since I'm a jerk, I think it's fun.


J'Accuse! <a href="https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--vUA6LazG--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1319215725276681830.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--vUA6LazG--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1319215725276681830.gif</a>


well he did say to set low expectation for punctuality and that i have but i have high expectations for the game. since i am paying 20$ because the game is worth it in my opinion atleast


Now I need to find the last $20 member and we can create Proxxie's personal fanboy-trou... erm, bodyguard! :D


Not necessarily, as it might not even come out today :o


I know it is estimated time of arrival, not time of arrival. I was just making a joke about your prediction from the earlier post. And i'm not even a 5$ patreon, so it won't matter to me anyways.


I'm just teasing Proxxie at this point. :) It's not fair that only he gets to tease us!


Thanks for the vote of confidence. Sorry about the lateness :(