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It's been a while since I've included a render in one of my updates, so I figured I'd go ahead and include one this time. This isn't from one of 0.4's h-scenes, by the way, so I haven't spoiled any surprises. I've been working on 0.4's renders a lot lately, and I decided to have a little fun. Hopefully you like it!

Renders are the big thing I've been working on this week. I probably went a bit overboard when planning them for the next update, because 0.4 will basically double the number of HCG renders in the game.

Just to give you an idea of where I'm going with it, 0.4 will basically set up the plot for the remainder of your time in Zameroth. It won't contain any dungeons (though 0.5 probably will), but it will be a bit heavier on the H-content. All these renders I'm talking about will be divided between 3 H-scenes, some of which are quite long. And, as you can probably guess from the render above, I'm finally done teasing ;)

I'm currently aiming for a release in a bit over a week, say 7 February or so, and I'm pretty confident I won't have to eat my words this time. The rendering itself, once I complete all the scenes, will probably take 7-8 days O_o

Thank you for your support, and I hope you like the render!




Hey Proxxie ever thought about making Protus on mobile or is the game too much for mobile?


I doubt I'll do a mobile implementation. I'm using some slightly customized components that are optimized for desktop performance. Performance is a big deal for me, since the game has and will continue to have so many action sequences. There's also the fact that a keyboard is required for certain things.


Ah. I wonder if Eric and Ana is using protection or Eric knows of the rhythm method. I can't wait to see what type of attitude changes occurs between them. ... I wonder if the people in the real world are seeing in changes and can affect them in the VR world. Maybe that guy that made Ana a fits has another surprise if there is a system or program update.