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It's been a pretty busy week, and I've managed to get most of the mapping done for 0.4. I've started writing events and dialogue, and I expect that process will continue well into this coming week. I'll probably take a break from it midway through the week and begin work on H-scene visuals, since those will probably end up taking several days to render.

My goal is to have 0.4 out before the end of the month. As we've established, I'm really bad at estimating the time required for this sort of thing, so I don't know if I'll end up hitting that target, but that's what I'm shooting for. 

I'll be sending out a reminder for $15+ patrons to send in Broken Augur's Orb messages soon, so please keep an eye out if that applies to you!

Just out of curiosity, do you guys like seeing sneak previews of upcoming H-scenes before they're released, or do you think they sort of ruin the surprise?

Well, back to work! Thank you for your support!



I personally don't mind, the why is just as much fun as the how and context changes everything. I could see why people might want to not see potential spoilers though. Does Patreon have anything for hiding content behind spoiler boxes? Either way though, I don't mind!


On a side-related note: "and for about the cost of a cup of coffee per month" Who the hell pays $5 for a cup of damn coffee?


It’s a rhetorical device a lot of devs (ie, of software) use to contextualize the price they’re asking for their product. I wasn’t 100% sure about putting it in my marketing spiel, but I figured “eh, sure, why not?” You can easily pay that much for a) espresso-based drinks at a coffee shop (like a mocha at Starbucks, say), or b) pour-overs of artisanal coffees at better coffee shops. Depending on who you are, these sorts of things may or may not be what you have in mind when you hear the phrase “a cup of coffee.”