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I figured I should probably post an update before my usual Sunday, so here it is. I've been spending the last few days putting together a reference resource (for my use) that will help me keep track of everything as the project continues to grow larger and more complex. It contains detailed summaries of the releases, summaries and notes on the plot, characters, places, relationships, H-scenes, game mechanics, and on and on. I'm using Scrivener for this purpose, for those of you who are interested.

Now, I did have a Scrivener file for the project before, but its organization was woefully inadequate for the task, and I had been quite lax in updating it. This was beginning to become a problem, since I've recently begun to ask myself "when did that happen?" "What was it I was supposed to do here?" Enough of that, I thought, I'm going to make a proper reference tool.

I've also started refining my task and project management workflow (I use Omnifocus) for the game and for the rest of my life - this was also part of my New Year's Resolution :D

Anyway, I'm almost done with the organizational bits - they're boring but necessary. After that, I'll work on the detailed planning for 0.4, then I can start actually making stuff!

I think you guys are going to like 0.4 - it's when I'll finally stop being a tease!

I'll have more news Sunday. Thank you for your support!



Oh Proxxie, you will be always teasing us with each update ;)


NANI!? It's finally happening? :D