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I've just finished 0.3.1, which (unless there are more serious bugs hiding) should be the last incarnation of 0.3. Now that that's out of the way, I'll be devoting all my development effort to 0.4!

Changelog 0.3.1:

Added feature: easy modes. Each dungeon (and also Celie's healing event) includes a torch near the entrance that can be used to toggle between easy and normal modes. In easy modes, generally speaking, you'll take less damage, stuff will move slower, and the things that are hard will be less hard. I doubt anyone will have a problem clearing easy mode content, but keep in mind there is a price! My plan is to have special H-scenes, probably one every 3-4 dungeons, that will only be viewable by players who have cleared the previous dungeons on normal mode. Note that I do not plan to penalize players who clear Celie's healing event on easy mode.

Bugs fixed:

  • Darin’s Mill soldier event now works properly if you leave town before its completion
  • Player can now return to Elian and Celie’s after beating mountain dungeon (as intended)
  • Player can no longer walk through some objects in Darin’s Mill
  • Game no longer incorrectly tells player they’ve reached the end of content in Oswin’s tower
  • Spider sprite fixed

TPE 0.3.1:






Does this mean we get a difficulty boost in the hard modes now? :3 I really like the new patreon images, but why do the $15 people get a beach babe and we get some kind of sci-fi chick? >:( You should have went all out and had the MC suckling on her nipple while winking at us! Hundreds of horny fans would have thrown money at you then! :) P.S. Any... forecasts on the next update? ;)


Haha... the beach babe one is my favorite by far. If I could choose only one image to summarize the game, it would be the "WTF?" image currently at the top of my description. But if I got to choose a second, it would be the Avatar one. Funny, sexy, and a little goofy. As far as the Presence one goes, I wanted to communicate that they're more in tune to what's actually happening. Edit: I'm out of the forecasting business (◕︿◕✿)


"Communicate that they're more in tune" Is this some kind of subtle hint, hmmm? >:3 Maybe of things to come? >:)


Enjoy your game. I think have seen all the content under 3.0 and made it to the end. I can't wait for 4.0 to come out. The only thing I would change would be in the town after the delivery of how to treat women. Alex would want to answer yes to the guards questions and then have an argument with Ana how not saying yes would make the men go back to their old ways after the two of them left the city. Then Eric would offer a compromise on one of the requests that Ana could show the men the proper way to grope a lady after she agrees. Then see Ana get excited and have a hard time stopping.


Celie's healing event was tough for me. Maybe because my fingers are not too coordinated but after 3 days of trying I finally got through all the challenges. May I suggest if it is possible in timed challenges like that if after failing a few times for a given amount time additional time is added to complete the challenges.


That's a pretty neat scene idea! Pretty consistent with the characters, too. I like it, but I won't end up using it because I'm done with 0.3 :/ Le sigh.


Easy modes are my solution to this whole family of problems. They're not a perfect solution, but I think they're the closest to perfect I'm likely to find for my set of concerns. [They're also basically the solution Blizzard eventually settled on to solve a pretty much identical set of problems.]


Oh scene Eric and Ana are looking like elves now. Ana may want to come up with eleven for each of them. Of course I can see Eric throwing out weird names for Ana and Ana gets frustrated or embarrassed bit them.