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Thanks for the bug reports, everyone! I'm glad to see they weren't that bad this time; I was kinda terrified that some awful one would rear its head, but thankfully that hasn't happened yet.

One of my design goals, all the way back from when I first started thinking about the project, was to create interesting, challenging, and maybe fun boss fights. 

The boss fight in 0.3 was only a baby step toward the sorts of things I want to do, but it should give you some idea of where I'm going. I hope to eventually end up with something like a WoW raid boss fight, but there are a lot of steps I'll have to go through before I can get there. (For those interested, my next challenge is figuring out how to implement a threat mechanic.)

I'm curious what you guys think about the fight, though, so I've decided to put up a poll! If your thoughts are more nuanced than the poll choices, please let me know in the comments. Also, I'm particularly interested in whether or not you experienced any lag - I didn't, but I want to know if others did (and if so, how bad was it?).

I hope you enjoyed 0.3, and thank you for your support!

Edit: I didn't set it to "one response per person", and I can't change it now, so please only vote for one option!

Poll Question: Did you enjoy 0.3's boss fight?



Question: are you planning on implementing experience and levels? Or is it going to be based on quests completed like HR training the guards? I think the latter is easier to contor the difficulty with but I am interested in hearing your thoughts. Thanks again!


Ah, good point. I won't be using experience levels - player advancement will come through events and equipment. The logic being that I can only tightly tune difficulty if I know about how powerful players will be. Unlimited levels screw that up, and they also encourage grinding (which I don't want to encourage or require).


Makes sense to me. Looking forward to what you'll cook up next! :)


I liked the concept, but proxxie-boy, the boss was too easy! I expected an epic fight... are you sure you didn't turn on easy mode for everyone accidentally?


Yeah, I wanted to make it more difficult, but I remembered the outcry over the last dungeon, which I thought was pretty easy. If i'd had easy modes ready at launch, I probably would have, but I figured it'd be cruel to make it hard if I didn't.


Remember, porn game, not game porn! Make it more difficult for meeeeeeee~


Well the separated phases did change up the dynamic from just "select attack unless healing's necessary or that one skill is charged", but it still did wind up dragging on a bit. I personally would have at least preferred some sort of indicator of just how much damage was needed to finish everything.


By the way, are you going to introduce an Orb of Memories anytime soon? Would be interesting to have Ana take a peek in the MC's. ;)


You mean a recollection room for H-scenes? I'd kinda like to do that, but I'd have to figure out how to deal with H-scene variations.

Ver Greeneyes

I think the dungeon could definitely do with a difficulty boost, for the moving flames too (you can just sort of run through most of the rooms without hiding behind rocks more than once). One thing to beware of is that I think the quest with the soldier unit is optional and gives you a pretty significant stat boost - I haven't tried the boss without doing that quest but I imagine you don't want it to become impossible.


I tested it without the boost or any of 0.3's items - it was sort of hard, but still doable. I think I'll avoid making stat boosting events optional in the future.


Listen, you need to make us break down in tears and cry. My favorite RPG game series of all time is Shin Megami Tensei, and I clench my bum every time I play it.


I liked it, as Brendan said the mid fight event changed up the normal "have pc block, Ana attack and heal as needed" routine. The sort of thing that might really make it feel more like WoW raiding by having to actively stay out of the red/fire (oh how I miss Wrath and my warrior pre-changes with the subsequent expansions).


Hmm, messages get weird after a certain # of characters so I'll just add the rest in another reply. As far as the difficulty discussion, it did feel somewhat easy but I don't think I'm a good judge of character as I've been playing on "Path of The Damned" sorts of difficulties lately. I wonder if there'd be a way to have harder fights for better/different outcomes but that seems like way too much work for an option the majority of people wouldn't even use. Maybe optional "hardcore" stuff for power gamers after everything has been done up? I dunno, honestly no one is truly going to be happy with game difficulties, let alone the majority of people so I wouldn't sweat it too much.


Eesh maybe I'll just post the long winded stuff to the tfgamessite forum for the game, formatting is not patreon's strong suit.


There will definitely be "don't stand in the bad" parts in later fights :) And I am debating the idea of 'heroic' difficulty, but I'm not really sure what the reward should be. I was kinda thinking about having a special boss and maybe ending if you'd done hard stuff during the game, but I'm not sure yet.