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Version 0.3 is finally out! It's a bit later than I'd hoped, but the extra time definitely helped the game.


  • New town
  • New quests
  • New dungeon
  • 2 new H-scenes
  • Lots of skits, dialogues, and NPCs

I'm not aware of any serious bugs in this release, but there will probably be minor ones. One feature I didn't implement is easy modes - you'll get a crystal from either Oswin or Elian that is supposed to activate those, but those won't be in game until 0.3.1 or so.

The $10+ patron picture pack will probably be out in a week or so. Please tell me what you think in the comments, and please report any bugs as well!

And, of course, I hope you enjoy!

Version 0.3:






That was a nice update. It was a shame when it hit the end though. I was hoping for things to go a little further between the two than it had but it seems to be warming up that way.


Gah, that was such a tease at the end! But it looks like Ana found out about it, wonder how she reacts ;)


Hey Proxxie, love the 3.0. Found one bug next to the inn where you can walk down to the fence and then through it to the right. Also, where is black hay? haha


Like Ohio mentioned, the "HR" scene had me laughing hard, great writing. Only bug I saw outside of the walking off a fence or ledge in like 2 spots was on the chicken minigame. I managed to have a chicken and frog on the same row lose all their hp at the same time, game just kept saying "the chickens, PC!". I can't see that happening often and I thought it was an interesting little technical problem.


Amazing concept for the boss fight, really liked the interaction there. Great content updates like this will help with the game and the overall attitude towards h-games in general. Worth my $5 commitment, 100%.


Yeah, I really liked the mini-game with the boss. My only problem is that the fires go by too slowly in the dungeon. You can run by without cover for most of them and miss the fact that you need to hide behind rocks. I haven't tested to see what would if you run past the ice fairy, but there might also be a bug somewhere there. Also, it would've been nice if you've given the boss at least some dialogue and maybe write a little comedy skit :) But those are just ideas on improvement.


The boss was pretty nice but the fire traps were way too easy to pass as they are so slow also I tested what would happen if the fire hit me and the damage was miniscule I'd say to make the fire trap a bigger threat to force us to be careful when passing them. One thing I kinda don't like is when we get the orb we are trapped we can't go forward till the next update but can't go back cause of the guards so we can't do anything at all once we beat the new quest. Other then that it was pretty good.


Loved the new content


The spiders sprites seem to be slightly glitched when walking sideways, their legs are above their heads.


A lot of hitboxes are kinda skewed. For instance, you can walk through fences and tables.


is there a alternate download like mega does not work for me


Try this: <a href="http://www.mediafire.com/file/5v9r8b5t84v0czd/The%20Proteus%20Effect%200.3%20Win.zip" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.mediafire.com/file/5v9r8b5t84v0czd/The%20Proteus%20Effect%200.3%20Win.zip</a>