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Greetings everyone!

I'm getting my plans ready for 0.3, and I wanted to get feedback on several things. I'll ask about H-scene content later, but first I wanted to know what you thought about the minigames.

So, here's the question:

What did you think about the healing minigame (aka the chicken minigame)?

BTW, if you haven't tried it with 0.2.3's visual effects, please check it out!



Actually like this one. Wasn't too difficult and somewhat fun.


Not a fan of that extra bit. mainly because it was so annoying to have to keep repeating it because it kept taking too long to line up positioning to cast a healing spell.


I enjoyed it but maybe box out the area where the chicken jumps back and forth because getting in that zone caused my game to stutter a bit. Not sure if that was just me tho.


I liked this one. It had enough challenge that I had to retry, but not to infuriating. But the downside is that if you get in the chicken's path, it gets really laggy.


Only comment is that I had to switch from using the mouse, which I had been doing, to running about.