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Sorry about the update spam. I think we've found the gamebreaking bugs. They were tough ones to find, since they were ones that literally could not occur for me. They should be fixed now, though.

The downside is that the game file is now much larger (1.03 GB). TL;DR: I told the compiler to exclude unused files, but some of the files it excluded actually were used. Anwyay, at this point I've updated all the links to the new version. Hopefully you were asleep  at this hour like a sensible person, and thus missed out on all of the bugfix drama!

I hope you enjoy!

Version 0.2.2:




Good update. I found a bug with one of the areas where you run away from the goblins. There is an area you end up in if you are caught where there are a bunch of goblins running on tracks. If you get to the end of that area there is a stairway that does not work, at least not for me. I had to load a game before getting caught the first time.


Incredibly entertaining once again :)


Please keep the bug reports coming, people. I'm probably going radio silent for a day (I need the break). I'll try to get a bugfix out in a couple of days that addresses all the bad ones people have brought up so far. I'll probably have the picture pack out around that time also.


with a new game at 2.2 the main character for me could advance to the place of having fallen into another water lake, she has to avoid quick orcs. At the end of the run she sees a set of steps on the right side of the screen at the lowest point of the dungeon. She can't go up the steps. This would be the 2nd set of steps going up I think. Her partner has been taken by the orcs and she needs to rescue her.


I failed to a minion fight by the chest, then I escaped to a different water pool, where the minions were running on green paths. I ended up getting past them to a staircase I couldn't climb. ( I was able to go back to an earlier save and fight the wizard and get to the tower )


Bravo! Well done man - excellent storyline.

John Smith

I can't help but love the penis-size comparison scene and how you can choose how large it is compared to yours. Will there be more of that in the future?

Ver Greeneyes

Heh, I also thought it was pretty amusing that you can actually choose to give the MC's real body a similar size. That would be pretty impressive! I ended up choosing the middle option though - seems more fun that way.

Ver Greeneyes

I also ran into this once. If you use the fast-forward feature (hold down Z) I don't think he has a lot of opportunity to get in the way.

Ver Greeneyes

Another small bug I noticed: If you leave the cave where you encounter the first boss, you can't enter it again (you get the line about how it's too dark and scary).


I know exactly the problem you're talking about, and it'll be fixed in the next update. You aren't supposed to end up there; that area was the first version of what eventually became the flame room. The minions didn't work the way I wanted them to in a room with narrow halls, so I put them in a place with wider halls.


This is turning out to be a surprisingly common glitch :( It'll be fixed in 0.2.3.


You won't be asked again, but there will be references to it in the future, and possible scene variants depending on your choice.


Thanks for the bug reports, everyone. I'm about to sit down and start work on 0.2.3 now, which should fix the gamebreakers. It will also hopefully be a lot smaller. It should be out in 1-2 days.


another one im stuck on the second dungeon im hiding from the minions and have found the stair case but it wont let me go up them.