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We called ourselves the naked climbers.

We even have a WhatsApp group!

But we all came together in the most organic way. It was almost poetic.

Get Naked Australia was hosting a camp out event at a nudist club, and I signed up in a heartbeat. There were so many new faces, but I stayed with my familiar friends throughout the weekend. We had planned to go climbing on the Sunday afternoon after the GNA event had ended, and as we were packing away our tent, we overheard someone mention climbing. My ears pricked up. Hello fellow climber, I said, do you want to come climbing this afternoon?

What's that saying... a snow ball affect? It was that, but with climbers. Turns out I was surrounded by fellow (nudie) climbers!

That afternoon, 6 friends fuller, we left the nudist club together, tailing each other in our cars, feeling like a convoy, and we went climbing.

This kicked off many future climbing trips and weekends away together. Some days we camped, others we booked an air bnb (naked of course).

But as all stories go, nothing lasts forever. Some moved states, others moved countries and we went our separate ways. But I will cherish these special memories for a lifetime. 

Isn't it incredible that a simple common interest of nudity can bring people together and create something so much more!

Have you had a similar experience before where you've met someone through a common interest and realised you share multiple other hobbies?



J0n45 D4n13L

Yes, I have in the past learned about a common interest in building design and then I have found several interests that we all share like running or swimming , weight lifting music 🎶 performing or composing

Layton Carr

Awesome sounds like a fun experience. Are there any challenges to nude rock climbing?

Jessie Beale

It's amazing that one simple thing can bring us to meet people that we would have no idea that we can share so much more in common with!!

Jessie Beale

Scraping the rock 😅 Don't be fooled by the nudity... we don't climb nude very often!