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My anxiety has sky rocketed recently... My mind is still, but my body is riddled with fear. My heart is pounding, and my chest is tight. I remind myself that this feeling will pass, yet I swear time has come to a stop.

Fucking anxiety.

The way I have explained it before was its as though you're stuck on a round about and as hard as you jerk on the steering wheel, you just can't turn off. So around you go again becoming dizzier and dizzier.

But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So I decided to sit down and dot point what's different in my life at the moment. What shifts could have caused the increase in my anxiety?

- Increase in sugar
- Dexrease in exercise
- Unstable home (I'm currently between the van and a house)
- ALOT of socialising

Then, I asked myself what changes I could make...

- Stop eating ice cream and chocolate bars
- Decaf coffee (sad face)
- Begin taking morning walks
- Create stability through daily routine
- Create social media boundaries

I have only implemented these new rules for myself a few days ago, and so far, my anxiety is still throwing punches, but Rome wasn't built in a day... healing takes time.

Are there changes you've had to make in your life to better your mental health?



Layton Carr

Anxiety sucks. I do think you are on the right path. It sadly will just take time.