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This is just a preview on something larger that I'm working on. It deals more with environmental hazards in the world of the Growing Pandemic.

Something may change, right now I'm just generating a lot of images for my idea.

Anyways, give me some feedback, and let me know if this interests you!




WIth the Pandemic being as invasive and proactive as it is, it makes sense to me that more than just the the people would be effected, especially with the copious amounts of contaminated fluids being squirted, sprayed, and oozed about. Besides, zoonosis and reverse zoonosis would be a really effective way to get the contagion past attempts to contain it.


Crap... I just realized that I never actually answered the question. Yes, I'd be interested in more information and incidents related to the environmental hazards of the Growing Pandemic world, and how they might take some individuals by surprise. Actually, I wouldn't be at all shocked if one of the problems folks run into is figuring out which accounts are real and which are urban legends that can be dismissed.