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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Early Access Reaction



the reason why clementine reminds you guys of ramona flowers is because they both kinda fall under the "manic pixie dream girl" trope, though i think moreso ramona than clementine!

Cindy S.

Thrilled that it finally won! Haven't seen it in so long, but I look forward to watching it again alongside the full reaction vid.

Cindy S.

Interestingly enough, the term was originally coined after a Kirsten Dunst character.


I adore this movie a lot! and the final house scene in particular, I feel, is done so beautifully.


I love that every time I watch this movie I find something I never noticed before

Briana J

Finallyyyyy my fave!


If I remember correctly, there was another ending where you see Clementine in the doctor's office years down the road and her medical record indicates that her and Joel have been erasing each other and getting back together for many years