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Bonnie has a dream where she sees her mother saving her from a coffin, which leads to Bonnie and Elena seeking her out for help. Damon is still not convinced by Meredith Fell, and he does some more investigating. Stefan continues his revenge against Klaus, and we see a familiar face... Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our The Vampire Diaries reactions!






I can't wait until next episode!!!!

Amber Augustine

Damon is so unhinged when he said,” we kissed. Now it’s weird, have a great trip.” Damon is so blunt and just exposes their kiss out loud before taking off. He causes so much chaos lmao. I also love the conversation with Bonnie and elena in the car. Bonnie states the obvious that the kiss was extremely good. Bonnie is so supportive of elena and Damon, I love their friendship so much.


Let's goooo

Amber Augustine

I enjoyed it when Elena said, ” I’m not feeling guilty because it happened. I feel guilty because you don’t know. I kissed Damon.” It shows that she owns up to wanting to kiss damon and not feeling bad for enjoying the kiss. This is what Stefan needed to hear, otherwise he would have put the blame on damon for it. It shows how mutual the kiss was between them and her feelings for damon are so evident.


Absolutely shaking with anticipation for the next episode

Taya Nicholson

fun fact Bonnies mom is married to Klaus irl ;0


ELIJAH IS WITH US!! Oh, the next episode is one of the best episodes, I can't wait to see your reaction (honestly from episode 13 onwards it's all very inebriating and exciting). Fun fact: the actress who plays Bonnie's mother, Persia White, is married to Joseph Morgan, Klaus' actor. They met on the set of TVD in 2011 (they started dating then) and have been married since 2014. She already had a daughter, whom Joseph adopted. Fun fact 2: It's already been mentioned, I think, but Stefan's actor at the time was married to Meredith Fell's actress. The cast itself had a great exchange of relationships...


Yesss Elijah’s backkk. I can’t waitttt for next episode it’s so good🤭and the one afterrr


He did immediately go home just to clock his brother in the face, so...he definitely decided to blame Damon anyway. But it was good to see Elena take ownership of that kiss with Stefan. She really wanted (and needed) him to know that this wasn't something Damon forced on her. It was something she wanted. And the way she phrased it -- "I kissed Damon" instead of "Damon kissed me". A nice callback to that line from Season 2 where she told Damon she was surprised he thought she'd kiss him back.


God I missed Elijah these past few eps. So glad to see him back to quietly judge everyone around him and thwart Klaus' plans.


ELIJAH is back baby! A Bonnie centric episode is so long overdue. "For once a character has a reason to have a syringe," lol Rob. I'm going to call you Zuffy the Vampire Slayer from now on, Zuff, haha.

Amber Augustine

Yep exactly. She went from not wanting to kiss Damon in season 2, to loving the kiss between her and Damon in season 3. Her feelings for him changed so much, it’s amazing to watch unfold. delena’s development from back then, to now is incredible. They’re my favorite slow burn ship.


Bill is the absolute worst. Apparently Tyler isn't good enough for his daughter, the same daughter he tortured and hates for being a vampire. Caroline deserves so much better. Just GTFO Bill.

tia jones

bonnie’s grams literally had no reason to die lmao they started the spell way too early. they needed to wait til everyone was at the entrance to do it


I’m so psyched about what’s coming next ep and the next one!!!


Can’t wait for the next episode!!!!!

Give peas a chance

Geez Rob, come on, Elena wasn't giving Ric permission to move on. She was trying to make him feel better about his guilt for kissing another woman in her family home.




Elijah, finally! I feel so sad for Bonnie! Let my girl live! It's funny how Elena said she kissed Damon, not Damon kissed her. It was definitely her way of trying to make Stefan feel jealous or at least feel something. Her disappointment at him walking away shows it. I do feel sad for Stefan in that moment. Imagine sacrificing yourself for your brother and then ur brother kisses the girl you love.

Amber Augustine

I think bill in his own way is trying to help Tyler with the sire bond situation. I think rob was confused on why bill was doing this, but he wants to help Tyler get rid of his attachment to klaus. Obviously we know bill has tortured Caroline before, but he is trying to make it right by helping Tyler. We still don’t have to like bill, but he is sort of helping since Tyler asked him to.

Ash 💕

Elijah is back!!! What an entrance. This episode was really good too omg. Bittersweet moment between Bonnie and her mother. Those are wounds that need healing and I’m so happy that we get to see this healing journey between Bonnie and her mother. I love a good reconnection storyline. Moving on to Tyler, he would definitely do anything he can to control the sire bond so he can regain the relationships in his life like Caroline. Now for the moment between Stefan and Elena. Phew…am I the only one who thinks that there’s amazing chemistry between Nina and Paul? What made me love them together was their chemistry. Back to the characters though..the pain on Stefan’s face after Elena told him about the kiss. I like that she told him but I wish Damon never kissed her. So icky to me because how can you betray your brother knowing that he loves Elena and knowing that every event that has happened has been because he went to extreme lengths to save you. Anyways, that was tough. I think that was a moment for Elena to see that he still loves her. The hurt, pain and, disappointment on his face was understandable. We can really grasp how hurt he is by him walking away. Sometimes you feel so strongly, you can’t say anything. Elena wanted a reaction but I don’t think she expected THAT reaction. I don’t think she realized the magnitude of his feelings for her STILL…after everything that had passed. I don’t know if she grasps that his feelings never disappeared. Ever. There were events like the compulsion by Klaus that caused him to separate from it but he never stopped loving her. He still loves and cares for her. If anything, it’s true that Elena kissed Damon because she kissed him on the lips when she thought he was dying, while her actual boyfriend was out sacrificing himself. She could have kissed him on the forehead. No excuses for that kiss. She may not have kissed Damon recently but she also didn’t pull away from the recent kiss. She’s single technically so she didn’t have to but the situation feels so wrong. Damon shouldn’t have complete blame because Elena has been very questionable with playing both sides (whether she realized it or not) way before the Stefan and Klaus deal but I digress. I feel sad for Stefan. He wasn’t selfish in that moment and I think that’s why I love his character. Stefan to the core is unselfish and he could have said a lot more but when Elena walked up to him (you can see by his eyes how it’s weighing on him), he apologized for what he did and told her that she’s too good for Damon and too good for him. At the end, Stefan is deservingly mad at Damon because he clearly deserves a lot of blame for his role. Honestly, how selfish do you have to be to not apologize for something like that when YOU KNOW that you’re the falling domino that made all of this happen to Stefan while simultaneously pushing Elena closer to you. Idk dude maybe I’m the only one like ? It will forever be questionable and weird to me. Like Damon, that’s your brother who literally did everything and does everything to save your life and that is your repayment? All I can do is not like it as a viewer lol.

Ash 💕

I believe this is Bill’s way of apologizing as well. Caroline is still his daughter despite his disdain for the vampire element.

Ash 💕

That’s what gets me…Stefan went through all of this and this is his thank you? Insane actually. I think it’s one of the ultimate betrayals.

Amanda Winner

episode of sucky parents

Meera ☾

Finally catching up on TVD with you guys 🤍 honestly my fave reaction channel right now