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1st - Hydra’s snake: 165

2nd - Music elemental : 68

3rd - Gravitar kobold: 43

4th - Crow girl : 40

4th - Dark dryad elf: 40

6th - Invisible girl: 33

7th - Cat girl: 22

8th - Bunny girl : 20

8th - Centaur : 20

8th - Scylla : 20

11th - Valkyrie : 19

11th - Storm elemental: 19

13th - Unicorn girl: 17

14th - Scarecrow girl: 16

15th - Gazer: 9

15th - Mermaid : 9

17th - Dragon girl: 7

17th - Bear girl : 7

19th - Kitsune : 3

19th - Kobold: 3

21th - Anglerfish girl : 0

21th - Banshee: 0

21th - Bat Girl : 0

21th - Bee girl : 0

21th - Cervitaur: 0

21th - Crab girl : 0

21th - Cuddle monster : 0

21th - Dessert elemental : 0

21th - Hellhound: 0

21th - Jiangshi : 0

21th - Octopus girl : 0

21th - Oni girl : 0

21th - Pair of Fachan : 0

21th - Plague doctor : 3

21th - Plant cowgirl : 0

21th - Quetzal girl : 0

21th - Rat girl : 0

21th - Red panda girl: 0

21th - Roswell gray : 0

21th - Salamander : 0

21th - Snowgirl : 0

21th - Sphinx girl : 0

21th - Tanuki girl : 0

21th - Tiger girl : 0

21th - Wine elemental : 0

21th - Yuki-onna : 0

Hydra's snake made it! To be honest, it felt like it was more a matter of time than anything ^^
Just like the Blobcat stack from before, this is more of a mascot than a monstergirl. While I don't mind a few of these, I'd prefer mascot NPCs to be more of an exception, so I won't allow any more mascot type submissions from now on. Only monstergirls!

The next NPC poll will begin on December 1st and will be a popularity poll! I'll release a devlog on the same day, and reveal some new chibis as well.


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