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Hey hey hey!

I've been working on the maps non stop, and I'm done! Now, all that's left is adding the dialogue, balancing the game, and just a few details here and there. This means I'll have a release date very soon, in the next update at the latest! If I can, I'll announce it before that :)

Of course, I'm talking about the tier 2 Patreon demo release. Everyone else will be able to play the demo 2 weeks after that, as promised. Also, the first day of the general release (not the Patreon one) will be the last day you can get the early bird rewards, these will be locked forever after that. Any early bird will always stay an early bird though, even if they edit their pledged amount in the future.

I'll be very busy around release, so the monstergirl voting events won't begin immediately. If all goes well, these will begin around a month after the general release. We'll see what happens, I'll update you on that when I can.

Finally, I'll be switching from a triweekly format to a monthly one for the update releases. I think it will be easier to follow that way, and the voting events will fill the inbetweens. There may be exceptions here and there if needed, of course.

And that's it for now.

Soon! :D


Commander Riker

Looking forward to its release! DIdn't think I would enjoy the game as much as I did!