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Hi! I'm now naming the devlogs! Not sure why I didn't do this before...

Anyway, even more improvements and fixes have been added as I discover them, even the ones that are almost insignificant. Level design has begun and it's surprisingly tiring, mostly because there is a lot of tedium involved with linking every room correctly but also because the editor needed some improvements and I've discovered new issues as I created new rooms (at least I don't have to fix these more than once, linking rooms will always be boring). Still, if that's what it takes to make BE Witches as good as I possibly can, I'll gladly deal with it. I'm getting more effective at using my editor and Sablee, the first village, is about 75% designed. The demo will also have a dungeon as I've mentionned, but this will probably be faster to do since it's not as complex as a village.

I've also had to create some new objects to place in Sablee to diversify the rooms, since I quickly realized the ones I was creating were becoming pretty samey... As I've said, new issues. But it looks great now!

That's pretty much it when it comes to BE Witches. I have 1 more piece of news concerning the Patreon. It's something I should have done a long time ago, but I kept forgetting : I am now charging up front. For anyone who is already one of my patrons, this doesn't mean much, but everyone else will now have to pay when they first become a patron, instead of paying at the end of the month. I needed to activate this to prevent people from joining, taking advantage of the patron only content (in particular the votes once that happens), and leaving right after that, giving me false hopes in the process.

I don't say it a lot because I don't want it to seem like I'm reciting it without feelings, but I'm really, extremely grateful to anyone who believes in BE Witches enough to give me even the slightest amount of money every month, and I'll keep doing my very best to fill your expectations.

And on that note, see you soon! :D


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