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Heyyyy guys!

It's me again. Today I finally reached out to the editors I worked at IDW to confirm if the Marvel Action line from IDW was cancelled (heard some rumors a few months back!) and it was indeed cancelled 😭 I did these 5 covers a year ago and never heard again so I knew something was wrong! 

I'm sad for all the hard work that got shelved. I was actually one of the first artists they reached out when the project was starting out but I rejected the offer because I was super burned out from comics since I was just finishing Marvel Action Chillers with them. I remember it was so hard saying no to Avengers! But now looking back, I truly dodged a bullet there. Getting to work on something that suddenly gets cancelled sounds devastating. I feel so bad for the artist that ended up doing the interiors. 

After rejecting doing interiors they offered me if I wanted to do variant covers and said yes immediately cause I love working on covers! I was so proud of these, still am! My favorite is the Cap Marvel one. Since IDW and Marvel ended up their contract, these belong to Marvel now, fingers crossed they decide to do something with them some day🤞🤞

Hurts to know these covers will probably never be published but the good news is that they allowed me to share them on social media !! Plus, this means more portfolio material hehe I'll be droppping these on Insta during the next few weeks but for now here's a preview for you!





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