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Hey guys!! How are you?

Sorry I've been a bit MIA, whenever my hand feels like it can take a few hours of drawing I've been using it for work, because I'm incredibly behind schedule 😞 so I don't have much I can share, sorry. 

Even though my arm is clearly getting better (I don't have tennis elbow anymore just tenosynovitis yay!!) the recovery process is sooo slow which is not really a problem but the thing I hate the most is that it's not stright forward, meaning some days I feel great while some other days I try to open a bottle and it flares up. It's so confusing, I have to constantly check what I am feeling or if I'm doing something wrong. 

Good news is that today I had another doctor appointment and I asked about cortisone injections. These would help to mitigate the pain while I continue to recover with kinesiology and that will allow me to get back into drawing much faster. She said it's not something I HAVE to do, but it's something I could do if I need it. And even though it sounds a bit scary, I'm 90% sure I'll do it. So I'm feeling a bit more hopeful today c: other than that, not much happened around here.

Hope to be back with more-exciting stuff soon, thanks so much for being here you're so so kind and I appreciate you all 💕

Have a fantastic week!





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