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Only for Minecraft 1.20.5+

More than... I don't even know how much! Since December! Long short story, this update should've came out almost 2 months ago! But recent changes on Minecraft commands for 1.20.5 broke a lot of things and caused a huge delay on the development. Don't worry, everything is good now :D!

Improved Titans, Improved Shifters, Improved Villagers, Improved Performance, Improved Progress! Forget about looking the craftings into the wiki, everything you need in order to progress is inside of Shingeki no Craft!

The Armored Titan version was divided into 2 parts, this version does NOT contains it (enabled), same reason above. I decided to split that huge version so I could make a release for Minecraft 1.20.5 Armored will come with 1.21 if not before!

It's a long changelog, and I'm 100% sure I left behind even more stuff that just forgot to add haha. Anyways, It's always a pleasure!

Enjoy! Take care! 



  • Added: 1.20.5!

  • Added: Shifters reduce 64% of the incoming damage

  • Added: Shifters absorbs 32% of the damage inflicted by projectiles.

  • Added: Shifters knockback when hurt!

  • Added: Using the ODM while riding a horse now dismounts the player

  • Added: Nature generated Villages are surrounded by a wall

  • Added: Pure Titans breaks natural blocks when attack (Wood, Leaves, etc).

  • Added: Press F with "Remove Shifter" to instant evaporate your titan!

  • Added new Items: Shifter Spawn Eggs!

  • Added: Shingeki no Craft Guide. Introduction.

  • Added: Cart's Shipload Guide.

  • Added: Red outline to "Roar" abilities.

  • Added: Village's Guide

  • Added: Penguelli's Field Diary

  • Added: Lineage's Guide

  • Added: Shifter's Guide

  • Added: Titan's Guide

  • Added: Nif the Guide Seller!

  • Removed Pehkui, moving to new Attribute: Scale!

  • Colossal Titan NEW Explosion! RIP low pc users

  • Added: Pure Titan Steam sounds.

  • Added: Explosion when transform for all the shifters!

  • Added: Cart Titan can grab and destroy blocks!

  • Added: Beast Titan can grab and destroy blocks!

  • Added: Shifters Steam sounds.

  • Added: Attack Titan can grab and destroy blocks!

  • Added: 3D Model for Colossal Nuke

  • Added: Pure Titans grunt sounds!


  • Added: Sounds and Particles when hurt a shifter!

  • Updated: Release Titan name and Lore

  • Added Black texture to leash! (Only with no shaders)

  • Colossal Titan: NEW death animation

  • Beast Titan NEW animation: Death

  • Added: Energy System!

  • Armor Titan NEW animation: Run

  • Armor Titan NEW animation: Walk

  • Armor Titan NEW animation: Idle

  • Attack Titan REWORK animation: Walk

  • Attack Titan REWORK animation: Idle


  • Reduced shifter's regeneration (human form). Regen each 2s -> 4s

  • Attack Titan: Kick Animation time 1.25s > 1s

  • Attack Titan: Parry Animation time 1s > 0.75s

  • Updated: Desert Villages Generation

  • Updated: Snowy Villages Generation

  • Updated: Plains Villages Generation

  • Updated: Savanna Villages Generation

  • Updated: Taiga Villages Generation

  • Increased: Pure Titans Slowness at night: 3 > 4

  • Changed: Pure Titans no longer spawn inside villages.

  • Updated: Oak Trees generation, they are taller now.

  • Shifter Villagers are no longer invulnerable.

  • Injured players are no longer invulnerable.

  • Reworked: Hange's Puzzle > Peng's Notes.

  • Updated: Now you can transform wherever you want, no more narrow terrain!

  • Updated: Colossal Heat Wave now increases the radius of explosion with a rain of fire!

  • Moved the ODM to Delta Library!

  • Moved Colossal to Macros!

  • Moved Cart to Macros!

  • Increased Colossal Radius Explosion

  • Creepy: Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 1.6

  • Cart Titan: Jump Force: 1.2 > 3 and now also sprints!

  • Zick: Nape Size 2 > 1. Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 1.6

  • Attack Titan corpse: 6 min > 1 min

  • Michelle: Nape Size 3 > 2. Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 2.6

  • Valentina: Nape Size 2 > 1. Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 1.6

  • Ameer: Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 2.6

  • Vladlen: Nape Size 3 > 2. Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 3.6

  • Allan: Number of hitboxes 3 > 1. Step height 0.6 > 1.6

  • Updated: Increased affection when giving gifts. When villager likes it: 5 -> 7. Normal 3 -> 5. Doesn't like it -3 -> -5


  • Updated: Intro. First time message

  • Added: Welcome back message!

  • Updated: Reload Message!

  • Added: New API function: All_Items!

  • Added new Item: Shingeki no Craft Config


  • Reworked Pure Titans spawn system. Pigs are back!

  • Added: Items on ground now are only read once (Prevent lag)

  • Added: Config to enable pure titans destruction

  • Removed: Old Manual (Crafted with 1 leather and 8 paper)

  • Shifters advancements won't get announced on chat

  • Updated: Colossal Titan to use Scale!

  • Updated: Cart Titan to use Scale!

  • Updated: Beast Titan to use Scale!

  • Updated: Attack Titan to use Scale!

  • Performance: Hostile mob spawning removed from config and datapack reading

  • Added: Script to modify hostile mob spawning (Biomes).


  • Fixed: Exiting from nape instead of belly

  • Fixed: Visible Kill Count showed offline players.

  • Fixed: Colossal Titan steam

  • Fixed: When a shifter leaved the world and another player gets that shifter the body remained without head.

  • Fixed: Deleting weapons when using the Dash (ODM)

  • Fixed: Attack Titan infinite grab range

  • Offline players Titan Kills were visible.

  • Fixed color for Leather Chestplate, Leggings and Boots.

  • Bugfix: Restart shifter state when on human form.

  • Bugfix: Landing hooks wasn't making sound to the player.

  • Fixed: Shifters Lagback while walking up!

  • Fixed: Pure titans will never go through blocks again!

  • Fixed: Shifters will never go through blocks again!

  • Fixed: Soldiers were not charging against titans correctly
