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Hi folks,

               The eagle eyed amongst you might have noticed our last locked patreon post that got floated just a few minutes ago and as the title states, it's a post filled with NSFW/early access content for our backers. 

Now, we generally strive to end the month on an unlocked post for all our fans to enjoy, but every now and then something like this happens, and so we end up bending a teeny tiny bit on our rules and share a quick glance of the special rewards.

For starters, a date! Who do you think are they? She sure looks like she is having a good time, no? We do want to share a bit more(and we did!) but, due to Patreon rules, all we'd say is that if you head to our twitter and browse through the latest tweets, you'd find more goodies to relish on. 

On that short and sweet note, we bid you farewell and will see you in the next month. o/

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team



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